What should I be looking for when switching my plants into flower stage?


New Member
What should I be looking for when switching my plants into flower stage?

To give a little info, I'm growing Swiss Cheese fem's I got from Nirvanashop. Growing with a bunch of multi-spectrum CFL's. Plants are about 5 weeks old now about 30cms high and very bushy method. Plants are very healthy. I'm almost certian they are both females from the little white hairs on the stems of the plants. Been giving them proper food, without going into too much detail about what I'm using (I'm a Canadian Growing in Japan :( had to get my wife to read the bottles, I know they are getting everything they need on that end). I've switched them from 24hrs to 12/12 a few days ago. But what I want to know is what signs will I see to know they are starting to bud? I know I should just be patient, but you gotta understand something about Japan. Marijuana is nearly impossible to find. I haven't had a toke in 2 weeks now (Been waiting and waiting for the connect) and I really need this to help with my Anxiety Disorder. Any photos of what the plants should look like when starting this phase would be most appreciated. I guess I should point out the the grow time as advertised with this strain is 6-8 weeks. I'm not looking for a HUGE yield here, just enough to keep my sanity :).

Here is a few pics, I hope they help. Thanks!



Active Member
take your lighting to 10 on 14 off and in a couple of weeks you'll see little buds start to form.It's not real fast.You can't be in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
I leave my lights on 12x12 all the way from seed. It speeds things up but a little less yield,I'm happy. I can add more plants when I want to make it perputal (spelling?). It maybe for you maybe not?


Well-Known Member
In a few days you will start to see white hairs (pistils)
if they are females.

The pics look pretty nice btw.
Nice grow.