What should I do w/ my male plant?


Active Member
Well I think it's a male plant not 100% sure yet but what could I do w/ it?

Put it into flowering and get alot of seeds? Make hash?

Ahhhh help.


Well-Known Member
Save the pollen and use it to get more seeds from your next female... There are a few posts around here about collecting and saving pollen... It should last long enough (if stored right) until your current/next female starts to flower...

Pollinate one lower bud get a few seeds and smoke the rest... Win win... =]


Well-Known Member
As in you have a few males and just want to pick THE BEST for pollen extraction... ??

In that case i would pick the fastest grower... You do not want him around for very long... =]


Well-Known Member
it's no good for anything but for breeding because males make almost no thc or very little. use it to make some strong rope lol.


Well-Known Member
The only thing you'll get from males is pollen - and a headache if you try to smoke. You need a female to pollinate if you want seeds.


Well-Known Member
get a string of fire crackers and wrap them around the base of the plant. Make sure to get some pics. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if you are going to grow it for breeding, get it away from the other plants!!! like far away, different room, different part of the house. pollen can just float around in the air.

random pollen floating around can land on your females, pollenate them and you are fucked because all you have is a crop of seed plants.

if you dont plan on breeding- kill them as soon as you know they are male. then use the plant material for hash.

you cant see a tiny bit of pollen that could be floating around and potentially pollentating your female flower.


Well-Known Member
Make hash oil. Look up honey bee extractor. Thats what I do with my males and all my clippings, fan leaves and stems as I grow.