what should i expect? TEXAS probation


so i was placed on probation for six months for possession of marijuana 0 to 2 ounces:cry:. misdemeanor B i believe. my probation started back in august of 2009. it was suppose to end in February 2010, buuut like a fucking idiot (and yes i know that i am) i stopped going since december. but the last time my probation officer called me was febuary after my last scheduled appointment and asked where ive been etc...

it is now july 2010. more than a full year after i got arrested. what the fuck do i do?! i already have terrible anxiety (always have) and now its even worse not allowing me to sleep. i need to get this taken care of but before i call, does anyone know what i should expect.

ive paid my fine ($1,998.22) ive done my community service and ive completed my "drug offenders class".