What size pots should I use? Chocolope

Strain: Chocolope
Medium: Subcool's super soil
Flowering: 63-70 days

"DNA vegetates the Chocolope for 3-4 weeks and then forces flowering, preferring to raise fewer plants to larger sizes. Chocolope is a happy eater and can be pushed when it comes to nutrients, although DNA recommends sticking to the organics for the best quality. Using this combination of fewer but bigger plants and organic nutrients, DNA reports an average yield of 100 grams per plant."

If I was to go by their 3-4 week veg suggestion, what size pots do you think I should go with? Also do you know about how many plants I could fully flower in a 5' x 5' space with a single 1000 watt light. This is only my third grow so I have to rethink the basics everytime, any help is +repped.


Active Member
I would use a 5 gallon at minimum. If you want bigger plants use bigger pots. how ever big around the pot is ussualy deteremins the size of the bushness and i think its 1ft of growth for every gallon. for my 7 gallons work great but i keep 9 plants in a 4x4 tent. they are really crowded thou.


Well-Known Member
I run 6 5gal plants per light in a 4x4 area. I top and train them into bushes and average about 20 to 24 zips per light. Keep them short and let them fill out the area.


Active Member
Id use 7 Gallons on those..... Just a heads up, Chocolope from DNA gets HUGE!!! Very nice grow..... good luck!