what size PVC Pipe for a 1000W or 600W HPS Grow Tent?


Well-Known Member
1st Question: Is a 5'x'5'x7' room a good size for a 1000W HPS? Is it too small for a 600W HPS? I am going to start with the 1000W but may move to the 600 if it ends up being too hot.

2nd Question: What size PVC Pipe should I use for the tent? From doing some research it looks like I will go with the 1" pvp pipe and split it probably 3 times to be strong enough to hold the hood and exhaust fan. Is a 1" PVC Pipe with 3 breaks in it so it flexes less enough to hold a 1000W HPS Hood with the exhaust fan?

Here is my story if anyone cares.

I am in the process of constructing a PVC Pipe grow tent to house a 1000W or 600W HPS light. I have both lights and prefer to use the 1000W but I may want to go to the 600W if it proves to be too hot. I am not 100% sure what size pvc pipe to use for the tent. My plan was to make something like a 5'x5'x7' tent which is going to be my flower room. I was going to go with 4-6 plants in soil but may move to some type of hydro later on. This is not my first time growing. I was forced to take down my nice grow boxes that I made from wood so I want to make something less of a hassle to take down if I have to again.

Thanks for the replies!


Active Member
The 1000 claims to cover 8x8 with light and 12x12 with suplemental light but it's a crock......even 5x5 is pushing it based on mine....but I don't have the headroom so that has a lot to do with it. I had it over a 6x6 and it wasn't even close so now it's on a rail running over 3x6.....as far as heat.....I don't think it'd be that much difference...you will need a way to vent with either...

I'm not sure what you mean on breaking the pvc to keep it from flexing.......... You know the difference between schedule 40 and 90 pipe?? One is much thicker walled than the other. And I think I'd just shove a piece of rebar though it or even a 3/4 pvc, inside a 1" with whatever rebar fits best inside the 3/4" so you have steel encased in two layers of pvc........the reflector doesn't weigh that much so it'd hold it if your side walls are strong enough to hold that...which I'd do by putting an upright at the spot where they come together....the fan...well that could mean something small and light or something big and heavy.......but same thing, support and bracing are the key...hope that helps.....
In construction you would be required to have some form of brace on anything longer than a 4' run........... so you could put two eye bolts into studs above with some small steel cable that would hold all the weight on the cross beam easily and only give you two small holes through the top of your enclosure......I know you might not want to do it, but it'd assure you that you never walk in to find the whole thing collapsed on your plants..........I worry because you want to be able to move it so you won't be gluing the joints, which could allow them to seperate.........not really likely, but possible....so the extra support to take the weight off it will insure it stays upright...better safe than sad....

Good luck my friend...


Active Member
the size of the pipe really depends on how you build it. 1" should be fine though but id personally put 4 struts to hold it more rigid. It also depends on the thickness of the PVC.