what smokeing device gets you higher?


Well-Known Member
Zong is a style of bong with the zig zags. It as a original quality name brand now there all considered zong.

It goes vape, bong, pipe/joint. Not sure where eating it falls in that.


Well-Known Member
ooo..i thought it was some special type of bong...lolll..

just fat ass blunts for me...2.5-3.5 in a vanilla dutch...or an oowop...or gotti...

after that bongs


Active Member
Besides I put a lot of effort into growing this weed. Id rather taste and enjoy it than to blast it down my throat or roll it in a flavored cigar. I guess I'm getting old, all these zingers and zanger contraptions these days.
zongs are really awesome because youll buy a 16 inch tall one, but your actually getting about a 24 inch bong rip, i highly recomend them over normal bongs. bucket gravity bongs are sweet as fuck to


Well-Known Member
i like vapes..nothing against them, i enjoy em..but i always need to smoke a blunt before or during or after vaping...what i would usually do with vapes is..i'd bring it with me on trips to atlantic city...i'd smoke blunts all day and gamble n drink..then when im back in the room to pass out i'd smoke a blunt and sip on the vape while watching tv...

i guess i enjoy the smoke..and i fucking love holding blunts and smoking blunts...
i personaly beleive theres no such think as one thing gets you higher, every one is different and they are effected in diffrent ways, personaly vaporizers make me feel kind of sick


Global Moderator
Staff member
Vaping (Silver Surfer) gets me consistently gone over the top, but the time I discovered that the canna butter I made & then baked into peanutbutter cookies flat smoked me.
I ate 3 & felt nothing (or next to) for over an hour so I ate two more.
I went to work the next morning stoned off my ass!


Well-Known Member
Vapo's get me good which is what I usually smoke. But i have to agree that I have been really high with joints. Probably those two for me. Granted I always enjoy joints at concerts, festivals, or on hikes so that increases the experience I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Idk i can smoke bags of volcanos all day and not get past a good buz, but a few bowls on the bong will knock me out

haha i just did a presentation on gcms
exactly. bongs get me a heavy high where as vapes its always pretty mellow to be honest. i guess theres a time and place for both but i always use a bong. getting a toro circ/circ/circ hopefully before 4/20 next year.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Idk i can smoke bags of volcanos all day and not get past a good buz, but a few bowls on the bong will knock me out

haha i just did a presentation on gcms

you must be doin it wrong

if you get thick vapor, thats thc

I just vaped a half gram of some mango kush and i'm fucking retarded like an hour and a half later... The bong hits wore off a while ago


Active Member
for me the bong gets me highest. after that a pipe. i hate smoking blunts, but i will if there's no other option.