What sort of yields can I expect?


Active Member
Hey all,

I have 3 Obama OG plants. Started from seeds. Been in veg for 4 weeks now. I have 6 CFL bulbs: 6500K each, and 1450 Lumens each. Using Black Gold Organic Soil (5-0-0). Also using FoxFarm Grow Big (2tsp/Gal) and Fox Farm Big Bloom (4tsp/Gal) when they're thirsty every few days. (Big Bloom every other feeding). Plants have about 8 nodes each right now.

My question is:

What kind of yields should I expect?


Well-Known Member
Well, that depends on a lot of factors...
What kind of light do you plan on using for flowering?
How much longer do you plan on vegging?


Well-Known Member
If you use 2 cfl's per plant in flowering like you did for vegg.....seriously probalby 2-3 grams at most per plant


Well-Known Member
Also, Obama OG? Never heard of that particular strain before. Sounds bomb though! Is it indica or sativa dominant?


Well-Known Member
try less plants and more bulbs. focus on getting the bulbs all the way around each plant and 10-12 bulbs can get u 8oz or less
1 plant and then clone off 2 clones midway through veg, take the clones and veg em and flower with the other plant


Active Member
I'll be veging for another 2-3 months or so. What light do you suggest I use on flowering? I'm trying to stick with CFLs throughout.


Well-Known Member
If you are sticking with CFL, vegg for only 3 weeks then flower. You want short plants (2 feet or smaller) because CFL light doesn't penetrate the canopy well. And you want to setup your lights in a circle all around your plant, top to bottom for the best yield.

Do you happen to know the pedigree for Obama OG like how much Sativa % how much Indica %? the more Sativa influence the more it is gonna stretch. And one last thing about the CFL's....I would get an assortment, half 2700K, half 5000K so you got good light spectrum. It'll help keep stretch down.


Active Member
I didn't know that. That makes a lot of sense as to why my lower leaves are dying rapidly and staying small. I'm already at 4 weeks. Should I start flowering now? What Kelvin CFLs should I use?


Well-Known Member
Nah I flower some of my plants even shorter than that. Any way you could upload a picture? And I answered the kelvin up top just edited my post a few times, my bad. Yea CFL lights lose intensity fast the more inches you are away. That's why its best to keep them 2-3" away from top/side of plants if at all possible


Well-Known Member
My personal preference in light in terms of flowering would be an HPS, 400w,600w,1000w, whatever.
But if you do plan on sticking with cfls, I think cc08 is giving you some pretty good info on your grow.


Active Member

Theres some info on Obama OG. It's rather rare so I'm excited to have it. It's mostly Indica, but some Sativa. They seem to be growing in really bushy as well.

One thing I am having problems with is that I work 12 hour shifts at work, so when I get home, the plants seem to be touching the lights, forcing me to move the lights up a bit as to not burn the plants. So I have been keeping the lights within 2-4 inches from the plants at any time.

The photo with NO lights is from last week. The one with the 6 lights is from last night.



Well-Known Member
Thats what's up bro. Yea you will probably want them to stretch just a little bit since they are bushy but they will on their own a little once flowering starts. I'd advise getting some 2700k bulbs once you start flowering so u got a good mix it looks like all those are the white 5000-6000k ones. But the plant looks great.


Active Member
So you think I should start flowering now? I just started using Grow Big and Big Bloom about 2 weeks ago. Should I go a bit longer and then do a 1 week flush before flower?

Those 6 bulbs are 6500K bulbs. Should I KEEP those and ADD 2700K bulbs too? Or JUST use 2700K bulbs?

On bulbs, I was told to use as many as I can. The more the better. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
So you think I should start flowering now? I just started using Grow Big and Big Bloom about 2 weeks ago. Should I go a bit longer and then do a 1 week flush before flower?

Those 6 bulbs are 6500K bulbs. Should I KEEP those and ADD 2700K bulbs too? Or JUST use 2700K bulbs?

On bulbs, I was told to use as many as I can. The more the better. Is this true?
Well, choosing when to flower is all up to you, I would keep them going though. And you should keep those bulbs and add a few 2700k's (add more of both the lights as your ladies get bigger) just as cc said.
As for more being better, generally for cfls, that is true because heat isn't much of a problem.


Well-Known Member
How much do you usually yield with your setup? If you can't answer that because this is your first grow, then I would be more concerned about learning to do things right rather than how much you can yield. You can worry about that as you get better.

Some people mix color temps but some (like my grow) use 6500K for growth and 2700K for flower.


Well-Known Member
Well, in all if you do decide to veg now at 8 inches, your lady will probably grow to about a foot and a half and yield around.... I'd say a few grams (I'm ballparking around 3-6gs per plant?)
So I would veg until your plant is around a foot and a half (maybe a little less, maybe a little more) adding more lights AROUND your plants, not just over the canopy, as they grow bigger.
Putting lights around your plant and not just on the top of it will help a lot in terms of yield (and quality) since CFL's aren't able to penetrate much of the canopy.
Also, just as cc08 said, keep those lights as close to the plant as possible from the top and sides.
And to answer your question if you DO decide to grow to about a foot and a half +/-, I'd probably shoot for ~12-18gs per plant? Correct me if I'm wrong though, I'm just making ballpark estimates.


Well-Known Member
i would let them get around 10-12 inches and start flowering and just keep adding cfl's the bigger it gets. by the time they are done you will have 10-12 lights per plant if you want a decent yield. it sounds like a lot of lights but they will need it. just a suggestion home depot has 68w 2700k cfl's for $15-$17 i would get one for the top of each plant and use 23w all around the sides

it says it's discontinued but my home depot still has them


Well-Known Member
a few things i see that are wrong with your setup

1: your soil looks like cactus sand
2: you shouldnt be adding any nutes yet
3: you have multiple plants in 1 container
4: your soil looks like cactus sand
5: lookslike you Mght have 60 total wats of CFL in there.

anyways. you really need to be reading and figuring out your grow before asking any questions about yeild. as it stands right now ill be surprised if you get 4 grams off those plants.

do your homework, save your money and buy some 1/2 way decent equipment. I fully understand wanting to grow because your on a budget and cant afford to buy marijuanna for street/dispensary prices but all your doing is wasting your money.

my first grow sucked, i spent like 50 bucks and got no where fast with my dinky CFL's and cheap potting soil. i went out and bought a tent for 100 bucks, some decent soil for 20 bucks. and a cheap ass HID grow light kit and my marijuanna cultivation has never been better. I have since upgraded and improved over the past couple years and im still not done. i have roughly 0 money invested in my grow because im able to grow enough for me and enough to sell to pay for my expenses. its cheaper to invest and do shit right then it is to 1/2 ass it for a lousy 4 grams.

cheap 600w electronic dimmable switchable ballast kits that come with a 3 year warrant, cool tube, bulbs and timer is around 160 bucks off amazon.com.

heres a list of things to buy

1: a real light...fuck CFL's yeah people say you can grow decent bud with them and you can but by the time you get done buying 100 fucking CFL bulbs you could have a nice HID grow light kit and be growing great herb.
2: a tent or a grow room, fuck micro stealth grows...they are a waste of time and money. stealth yes is worth it bit not micro stealth, if your going to build a stealth cab 3x3 min, pants need room to grow and get big.
3: ducting and fans to keep shit cool
4: GOOD SOIL, you already have the fox farm nutes why didnt you get the dam soil too? it work and works well
5: more containers, every plant needs its own container...end of story.

now you may be thinking..."what an asshole" and im sorry if i come off that way, im trying to give you decent advice that i wish people would have given me 2 years ago instead of letting me waste hundreds on micro stealth cfl stupid shit grow rooms. I had people telling me i could gorw Awesome buds with CFL and they were right i did, i had so many fucking CFL's in my tiny little dresser cab that i couldnt keep the thing cool and im suprised i dint burn my house down.

anyways take my advice as just that...advice. if you want to continue with CFL be prepared to have your room looking like a hobo's photo studio. if you want to grow some amazing herb and have your friends tell you you have the best shit they ever smoked....take my advice and invest a little cash into your hobby, just like any other hobby you can 1/2 assed it and be satisfied with the outcome or you can put the time and money into it and be proud of the outcome...

RMTB's 2¢

anyway you choose i wish you luck sir and happy growing.