What stage is this grow?(pics)


Active Member
New at this and wanted to know how far along I am with this plant. It is outdoors and bag seed. Nutes are fish carcass:blsmoke:
Light is about 14 hours and dark is about 10 hours give or take 30 min.



Well-Known Member
i would say that it is a female in the first few weeks of flowering, your lucky, most bagseed isn't as early flowering as your plant is, you should look to harvest early september. though at this point i would stop using fish(protien=nitrogen) as a fert and look for something at a store that is high in phosphorus, or the middle number in the n-p-k format, something like 1-14-3 and start giving it that every other week. looks good though! happy harvest hopefully!


Well-Known Member
lol they will be fine... dont listen to that noob :p mine are the same... as long as it has hairs not balls your alright :)


Active Member
lol no I live in one of the U.S. major cities top 6
I can get high grade exotic dro but my budget can only afford regular bud.


Active Member
Hey man. My plant is the exact same.. mine is a bit bushy'r with darker leaves (indica) and it just started to flower last week.. its has about 7 or 8 nodes now with about 3 inch long white hairs on each of them.. this is my first time growing so i think i did well knowing i got this far and its not dead..
i went frum 10 plants to 1 in 6 days.... damn racoons!
stay up have a gud harvest!