what started as "a hobby" has become a source of income


Active Member
good question for a PRO indoor grower.
i started a single grow room in my garage for a few plants. it has quickly turned into a need for extra cash so im expanding!!!!! but that leaves me with a question on my design.
i have a 6x6x8 tall room that i intend to split into two rooms. one for veg and the other for flower...duh!
anyway the question...can i use the exaust fan to feed air into the flower room from the veg room without causing problems to flowering plants. oh males are not an issue, i use clones and femmed seeds.


Well-Known Member
veg can be done in a tiny area compared to flower, you don't need to split that room if you have any cabinet sized space anywhere, or at least don't divide it equally.


Active Member
thankx for the tips guys! ill keep everything in mind. i was going to split it in two because of the way its framed. but i guess a extra 2x4 would fix that.