What technique/grow set up for 100 sqft?!


Just got done with my first batch ever which included:

Diesel x Krypto
High Times
Train Wreck
Strawberry Cough
Bruce Banner

from a switchable 1000 from mh to hps, with Co2 in foxfarm ocean forest soil in 100 sqft.

I vegged WAY too long to have 5 foot monsters in my room that couldn't get any light a couple feet below the canopy.:finger: The problem being Im restricted on power use since I dont pay electricity. I have a lot of space but I'm limited by this one fact.

I want a perpetual system and will have a momma/ vegging closet and flower room to flower the 8' 3-4'with a 1000 HPS on a mover. I was thinking of doing SoG with a light mover to cover about 8' x 3-4' or so, but dont know if I want to do Aero, hydro, E&F, or just urinate on them. I will be snowboarding all day and working all night so want something that will be easy to take care of.

As I am a noob I was thinking maybe I should get a few more under my belt with soil since it is so forgiving... Ive heard it said if you like smoking, grow soil, if you like gardening, do aero. Ebb and Flood I will probably flood my room which would not be the first time.... and might get me kicked out of my place.

Or should I just do soil in that area and Veg for a week or 2 and grow "normal" sized plants with ONLY 1K HPS?

Just want best yeild with a 1000W light mover system, not looking to spend tons more since I spent a couple g's on the first setup, any suggestions would be appreciated

Will Journal my first crop once I get my yield.



Well-Known Member
its all easy whats you get through the first 1. dirt is the easiest but hydro is alot faster aero even faster but more complicated.


its all easy whats you get through the first 1. dirt is the easiest but hydro is alot faster aero even faster but more complicated.

Ya I know all that, I want some words of advice from some peeps that have been through a few systems and see what they suggest. I usually go big or go home, which gets me into trouble sometimes, but I think I might start a few gals in soil to start the perpetualnessness of the system then start on my Aero... buying myself more time making my Aero setup, I just dont want to dick with soil again in a perpetual system I dont think...
Ever thought about going soiless? I been runnin coco w perlite and a little bit of worm castings in grow bags. I love it! The bags are in trays so i can bottom feed them instead of having to individully water each plant which saves hours of time each week. This is really similar to ebb and flow except your flooding the trays yourself by hand. After watering a few times you will figure out exactly how much each tray will absorb. I like soiless because your plants arent getting any nutrition from the medium so you get complete control like hydro but you still have a nice buffer zone for dosing mistakes etc. If you use organic nutes you can get the best of both worlds- good taste and faster flowering times! Now dont get me wrong your results wont be as fast as an active hydro set up but it will be faster than soil. Another benefit to this set up is that its really easy to switch to ebb and flow in a future cycle if you want to. Soiless is the best medium for beginners man, I been growin for a long time now and I still use it.