What the fuck is wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
There you go man you just said it!! By Defenition a drug is a CHEMICAL!!! There for weed is not a drug. Its a plant.
yea but what does weed contain? THC, which is a chemical. Which is the whole reason we smoke weed to get THC into our bodies. Therefore we are smoking a plant to extract a drug. I don't care about "oh its a plant" cause we're not going out and smoking males because they don't have enough of that one certain chemical ;)


Well-Known Member
it's def an herb. we smoke it because it's a plant. why else would I smoke oregano. much cheaper.

maybe it's a drug, but people like thinking it's not.


Well-Known Member
Some people think SALVIA is just a plant, but when you concentrate it 50 TIMES it can really do some weird shit... Also, Heroine is from the poppy plant.
But Marijuana is LEGAL in CALI BABY...


Well-Known Member
it's def an herb. we smoke it because it's a plant. why else would I smoke oregano. much cheaper.

maybe it's a drug, but people like thinking it's not.
what? I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not:confused: I hope you don't just go around smoking plants simply because they're plants...its kinda borderline because it is grown but so are coca leaves and I'd bet a lot of people would still consider coca leaves drugs.I think people calling weed an "herb" just want to make it seem how it really is(harmless and made to use). But IMO it's a drug...

SUPA EDIT:Okay okay that comparing it heroine won't work cause you don't have to refine weed at all unlike heroine. Nevertheless I'm still doing a "drug" when I smoke weed.
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