what the fuck, where is the separation of church and state?


Well-Known Member
why is it that i can only buy beer after 12noon on a sunday? why is sunday any diferent? its still the weekend and means nothing to us non christians. if separation of church and state really existed shouldnt i be able to get what ever i want any time? where does this law make sense if it doesnt have anything to do with religon?

im fucking livid about this!


bud bootlegger
yah, i never really understood that either.. i've always felt the same although im not much of a drinker pesonally, but wtf, it doesn't make any sense honestly.. along with that one, i would love to see them get rid of daylight savings time.. another complete waste that has past in prime..


Well-Known Member
yah, i never really understood that either.. i've always felt the same although im not much of a drinker pesonally, but wtf, it doesn't make any sense honestly.. along with that one, i would love to see them get rid of daylight savings time.. another complete waste that has past in prime..
didnt Ben Franklin come up with that to save oil and whale blubber for lamps and candles during the darker half the year. you are right, it is expired and it just fucks people up when they dont know its DST

im going to talk to a lawyer and see what law specificlly states that i can only get beer after noon, and how i can get rid of it ofcorse


Well-Known Member
I never knew this.Is it in every state?
Its some bullshit even though I doubt I'll be drinking that early anyway unless its a bbq or some shit.


Well-Known Member
most of them, my google/wiki research tells me there are 29 states that enforce "blue laws" still

the point is in America it shouldn't matter what time someone wants to get fucked up or how they want to do it. my beliefs as a noncatholic never kept anyone from church, why should it be the opposite is ok? this country was supposed to be about not letting any religions influence laws, but here i am, being oppressed(not really the best word) by a belief i dont even hold

id like to try and do something to change this, but people wouldnt listen to me because i sound like an athiest(im not) a drunk and a fanatic


Well-Known Member
i didnt mind waiting till noon

i didnt mind the fact that i got beer when i wanted rum

whats gotten under my skin is the hypocrisy of this stupid fuckin government


Well-Known Member
separation on church and state isn't in the constitution, check it out. it's one of those "understood" values


Well-Known Member
why dont you just not be an alcoholic and wait til noon to start drinking? or buy enough the night before so you can drink your morning 12 pack