what the heck is wrong with this guy


Active Member
Its wierd, out of the 7 then I have only he is curling like that. they all get the same nuts and water. maybe the PH is off, I still have to get a meter but I only get paid every 2 weeks :(

So i hope he can make it till the 16th. Any advise? I've already checked out the stickies but nothing in particular that relates to this guy. I've narrowed down that it's not from heat, overwatering, or giving to much nuts. So It has to be the PH... anyone else agree?

The 2 twin leaves are curling straight down. the other 2 are fine. kinda wierd. maybe its genetic?



Well-Known Member
Looks fine. Plants differ a bit when smaller. Make sure you don't over water and it'll be great. In a week or two I bet you don't be able to tell it apart from the rest.


Active Member
Is it a HE????
hah. No, I hope not. Bad choice of words there lol

Thanks for the help Gastanker. I do hope your right. Again i still need to go buy a PH meter so I have no idea what its at. I use Peat which is like 3-4, but i mixed it with compost which is like 7-9. so I'm assuming its neutral ( crosses fingers)


I agree with gastanker, sometime plants will curl twist bend etc for no apparent reason. Most of the time the plant will fix itself within a few days to a couple weeks. I say keep doing what your doing because it looks god so far