What the Hell am i doing Wrong!!!!!!!Hermaphrodite again!! Second grow...


Thought everything was going well. Today as I watering and I find male flowers on one plant. Growing 5 Special Kush, and One Free Fem seed I got "Cheese". Week 6 into flowering and the Cheese decided to grow balls. What the hell!!! Pulled the he she out of the room but I know there is was open male flowers shooting off there rockets. So now what should i do?? Is there something i can feed that will stop seed development?? What am I doing to cause this? My Growing thread is attached...
Help Please!!!!
Check and then double check for light leaks, they are easy to overlook. As fas as the other plants go, as long as you remove the hermie before the pods burst and pollen is released you should be in the clear. If the pods already burst it's probably too late. You can pinch off the balls as they appear on other plants, but they will eventually end up growing in the buds. Might have to harvest early.

Its a shame, those buds sure are coming along nicely.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
as far as the "why" i'm with cronic about possible light leaks causing stress. the second pic looks like there is some light leaking out on the wall, but to be honest my room isn't totally light proof and i don't get hermies very often at all. when i do get one i assume it's the seed/strain because it only happens about once a year and usually at the beginning of flowering, and usually from some feminized freebie that the seedbank was pimping. the plants look healthy so it's hard to blame the grower in this case unless there is some seriously heavy duty light leakage.

about what to do about it, dutchmasters makes a product called "reverse" for stuff like this. never used it, can't vouch for it. i know that people like to bicker back and forth about whether it works so maybe one of them can chime in.


Thanks for responding......I'm thinking it's the fem freebie seed. So damn frustrating. My first grow was bag seed and had to deal with hermies. So i ordered seeds never wanting to deal with that again. But here i am again worried that my hole crop is going to be full of seeds. Sucks!!!


Active Member
this is where cloneing comes in,once you find a good mother you can keep yourself in females for a long time its just getting that special lady thats the hard part


Well-Known Member
Check your timer. I had a HTG 1800w 120v plug-in manual timer that would regularly not turn off at the prescribed time I never caught it for several grows and it caused me great pain. And a shitload of late flower hermi's. Always it came on at the proper time. but when I found out I had a timer issue it only turned off correctly about 25% of the time.


don't ever use femmed seeds. if you look at them sideways they can herm out on you. They are genetically unstable and you risk fucking up everything else in the room. Get regular seeds, find a female phenotype you like and clone her.