What the hell are these BUGS.

Bryan Danza

So my ladies are going into their 2nd week of first site of pistols and these bugs have went from one or so every so and so days. Into, when I pick up my pot and hit it on the ground 4 or 6 of these things appear. i do not know what they are. I couldent find any pictures that match on the internet. today when i fed my ladies i put them on a white towel and shook them and there was a few so i snapped a shot. These guys are small, 1/2 the size of a rice grain. I bought some neem oil and filled up my sprayer with the correct amount listed. i sprayed the bottoms of the pots and in the holes, misted under the leaves, and sprayed the top soil, basically misted the girls altogether. Also, i raised up the pots off the ground and bleached the room. I feed with molasses inbetween neut feedings, so i thought it might be from the sugar. Since i dont know what these bugs are im trying everything. Next application of neem oil in a few days i am going to get some sand to top off the soil and then hope everything has worked.. i dont wanna use more then two applications of neem oil so if theres anything else i could do please let me know. and what the hell are these freaking annoying ass bugs and if they neem oil is going to work.



its definatly a collembola or springtail.

They are NOT thrips or aphids.

also if you are going to post pictures of thrips you should atleast posts western flower thrips and not those. Ponticulothrips diospyrosi is pretty rare IMO


Also they really are not a problem for your plant. I wouldnt worry about killing them off unless they get to some crazy high numbers.