What the hell are these????!



What is this? is this "Soil lice?" Its the only thing I can think of! i don't know of any bug known to the marijuana plant that matches this? they dont seem to be eating my roots, but I can see many of the roots anyway.

Here are some pix! they are extremely small and found when I was flushing the Diatamatious earth[used to get gnats out previously]. now, RIGHT after flushing i put more because of at least 50 to 80 of these little white devils1!!
[This is water that was flushed, a few fell with the water, found on one plant]

Please help me identify! I want to eat these little bastards before they eat my babies!!!


Active Member
You need to magnify the bug to make a good I D. But, 90% probability they are gnat larvae or root aphids.
You will need pyritherin to kill either one.


I found what they are, if you Google Springtails, thats what they look like. EXTACTLY lol

Friend or foe? lol any info on this critter?


I actually found quite a bit of info on them. They seem to be harmless unless soil is too damp or too dry lol. great but dia-earth will kill em either way. thanks anyway rollitup.


Speaking of dia earth, I heard it's useless when wet, but that doesn't make sense because it's always wet in my soil =\
Speaking of dia earth, I heard it's useless when wet, but that doesn't make sense because it's always wet in my soil =\
well when a bug is killed by dia earth its because the rocks are cutting there bodies when they walk over it or it is literally drying them out. i might suggest putting a layer on top of the soil that completely covers all the dirt. also i have heard of people making it into a dust and putting g it around there plants soiled area and leafs. but the powder is toxic and will permanitly damage you lungs.


well when a bug is killed by dia earth its because the rocks are cutting there bodies when they walk over it or it is literally drying them out. i might suggest putting a layer on top of the soil that completely covers all the dirt. also i have heard of people making it into a dust and putting g it around there plants soiled area and leafs. but the powder is toxic and will permanitly damage you lungs.

What? What's my lungs got to do with my soil...