What the hell happened to me!


Well-Known Member
Okay so like most of us Im a regular toker smokin at least 3 timez a day, but for me ive been stressed more then anything!!! whether its court fines, family problems, GF problems etc... IVE BEEN STRESSED!! Now to get to the point..Lately when ever I smoke I feel like Im having a bad trip on shrooms and feel like Im going to die!!! Here are all the symptoms I feel when i take a hit or two..
-sweaty palms
-ringing ears
-stiffness of neck/body
-burning tight calves
-vein dissappearance
-speech slur
-butterfly feeling
-racing heart..hard to breath
-fuzzy feeling in all over especially in face
-very shaky
-blurred/crazy vision
-horrible panic feeling

Now it usually only happens when i smoke but also when i get really angry, bright colors/lights, focusing or reading, and darkness

CAN ANYONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS!! I think it might be sever anxiety or a panic attacks but i have never ever ever had one before!!

Keep in mind I have done A LOT of lsd and mushrooms in the past but why would this all of a sudden happen? Its been going on for weeks and scares the shit out of me!!

No money for doctor...


Well-Known Member
Thats what ive been trying to do..I havent tripped for about 1/2 a year and smoke only one hit a day with the fear of having an 'attack' i like to call it..Its just so hard!

But laying off MJ would probally be in my best interest, anyone have any idea of what this could be?

WHen im having an 'attack' and i think about it even more it gets worse and worse, more mind over matter i prosume....

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
WHen im having an 'attack' and i think about it even more it gets worse and worse, more mind over matter i prosume....
sometimes the same thing happens to me when i smoke too much... usually when i smoke with stress or with some physical pain, i start to freak out and think somethings wrong with me. when i dont have any pain or stress all seems well. idk just for me though, weed is different with everyone.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you mean...I think its more mind over matter because some times if im not even thinkin about stressful shit or w.e Im fine, but if im all pissed or worried about my stress and i smoke i think about it way too hard it starts happening...scary shit isnt it...


Well-Known Member
Thats what ive been trying to do..I havent tripped for about 1/2 a year and smoke only one hit a day with the fear of having an 'attack' i like to call it..Its just so hard!

But laying off MJ would probally be in my best interest, anyone have any idea of what this could be?

WHen im having an 'attack' and i think about it even more it gets worse and worse, more mind over matter i prosume....
I too have this from time to time, when shit's going bad and I smoke it seems to make everythng worse. I'm sitting here staring at 5 ounces but haven't smoked for a couple of days. When shit's going good and you smoke it's good but when it's bad it just exaserbates the situation...

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I too have this from time to time, when shit's going bad and I smoke it seems to make everythng worse. I'm sitting here staring at 5 ounces but haven't smoked for a couple of days. When shit's going good and you smoke it's good but when it's bad it just exaserbates the situation...
im gonna have to rep you for that! its the same with me, if im in a bad situation, i just stare at my weed tempted to smoke but knowing the bad effects that will come.


Well-Known Member
It fuckin sucks!! My best friends crop just got harvested and im supposed to get a oz. for personal but i think i just might take it and sell it because its the same way with me! I even think about smokin i get a little bit of the feeling so i just go and sit with my babies outside and hope by the time they are done i'll be straight again lol


Well-Known Member
you obviously dont know how it feels because im taking it your perfect huh? poppin pills would be the last thing some one goin through this would do...


Well-Known Member
When your paranoid, have you tried zoning out with some good music?

Everyone gets paranoid from time to time, it's usually when your mind isn't preoccupied. I usually just put in my iPod lay back on my couch and chill out, whatever it takes, but in my opinion you just need to take your mind off it.


Well-Known Member
I hate that shit..i've had atleast half of your list happen to me whenever i smoke too much and start thinking negative shit. it's crazy how powerful your mind really is. it's a good idea to just stick to a hit here and there.

oh yeah..this shit mostly happens to me at night. weird lol.


Well-Known Member
They say marijuana intensifies your personality.
So if that's true and your stressed all the time.
Then that would explain what your going through.


Active Member
everything you have explained has happend to me when i was young the best thing i can tell you stop smoking weed. you have no idea where your heading next thing is sleeping since you havent mentioned im assuming your not there yet. how long have you been smoking?


Well-Known Member
Ive been smokin for about 7-8 years everyday...only tried quiting once and that lasted for a week...All of this stress has been going on for about a couple months and thats when these attacks started happening...I like how you said stop not quit lol..good call though


Active Member
have been smoking since i was 14 lunchtime,afterschool by next year i was buying my own stuff to bring home.everything you had described started happening to me when i was 17-18 after 3 n half 4 years of smoking everyday. longest break i have taken was 5 days just one time. when i went back after 5 days smoked a joint got the most fucked i have ever got from there on it was down hill. i started smoking alot more. after couple months started having trouble sleeping. here i am 2 months later when smoking weed i feel unconfortable best thing for me now is to stop ill hit a bowl every other 3 days but definatly slowing down before im smoking crack especially after reading your post:neutral:


Active Member
Ive been smokin for about 7-8 years everyday...only tried quiting once and that lasted for a week...All of this stress has been going on for about a couple months and thats when these attacks started happening...I like how you said stop not quit lol..good call though
well its almost impossible to quit for me after all these years so it seems.you said 7-8 years when did you start and how much are we talking about?


Well-Known Member
The first 4 years Id smoke at least an 1/8 a day( yea an 1/8, buddy grew all the time..free buds) then it gradually went down to 2 grams, then last year it was a gram...lately(b4 my attacks) it was a bowl or two a day...now its a hit or two a day maybe because of the fear of havin an attack...I didnt smoke at all yesterday or yet 2day and im going to keep it that way for a couple months while i get shit more controlled over here like court issues, money problems, family problems etc..I think the next time im gonna smoke is when my shit is harvested...

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
man all you guys say you have a problem to stop/quit smoking weed. i however have no problem, been smoking everyday, than i stopped, than again everyday, than stopped recently again. not a big deal for me... it seems like when i just say to myself "i shouldn't smoke today" i get that set into my mind and i never get desperate anymore. but still i wish i could toke, just not desperately.

people told me that eating like cannabutter foods is a different high, does anyone know if it has the similar panic attack feeling?