What the hell happened?!?!


image.jpgHey guys, i have a maui waui out doors. Its about five weeks old and it was doing so great, that is untill i went to check it today. Its ALL droopy all the leafs are droopy and even the main stem, at the top of the main steam its kinda white. There was some rain about a week ago that ripped some leafs but she was still doing fine. I have no idea what happened to it, could it be a pH problem or maybe a nute problem or maybe just over/under watering? Can anyone plz help me??? I wanna do everything possible to keep her alive!! Heres pictures from yesterday then from today, this happened in only one day!



Well-Known Member
Is your soil draining and drying? Looks like she's drowning. After that rain storm that ripped her, did you water? Did you make sure it was dry, into the pot, first? Also, did she start out doors, or did she get moved, after sprouting and growing a bit, indoors, and then got moved outdoors, without any real time to adjust to the much brighter ball of fire in the sky?

Acclimation, and not drowning should help fix her up. You SHOULD be PHing, when watering. And, nutes? She's pretty young. That looks a lot like soil. If it's pre-loaded, adding nutes or overwatering will cause over nuting.