what the hell is causing this

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Classic high P bloom food overuse......The start of P tox. NOT pH..

What are you feeding?
List everything that goes in!!!!

I see your organic.....What soil? Did you go super soil? What's in it? Know the starting NPK?

I run mostly supersoil organic.......I still say that's a high P problem.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Don't matter. Cannabis stores P and can reach a tipping point fast with any raise of P if it's "full".
Not going to start the scientific story as I'll loose 95% of anyone paying attention.
The contents of the soil used to build it can be the problem too.


Well-Known Member
Biobizz all mix 1ml grow 3ml of bloom 1ml topmax all per litre this sound to much at 5weeks in flower and I'm interested about ur info oh and 1ml cal/mag every second feed?


Well-Known Member
Don't matter. Cannabis stores P and can reach a tipping point fast with any raise of P if it's "full".
Not going to start the scientific story as I'll loose 95% of anyone paying attention.
The contents of the soil used to build it can be the problem too.
Started in all mix soil feeding biobizz grow 2ml npk 4.3.6 and bloom at 8ml npk 2.7.4 and top max today at 4 ml no npk for this all this is in 2 liters water was told to up feed and added top max today for the magnesium it contains see if it helps

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmmm, yeah, BioBizz. They are REAL coy about listing their NPK values and none can be found here in the "Colonies" for their products......I can't even find concentrations of the Humic in the top max or exactly whats in it....

It's too much P in the bloom foods and/or the topmax for what your growing (cannabis).

Straight water for a week and reduce the bloom feeds/topmax by at least 50%


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, yeah, BioBizz. They are REAL coy about listing their NPK values and none can be found here in the "Colonies" for their products......I can't even find concentrations of the Humic in the top max or exactly whats in it....

It's too much P in the bloom foods and/or the topmax for what your growing (cannabis).

Straight water for a week and reduce the bloom feeds/topmax by at least 50%
I only used top max today with water 1 st time using it I was experiencing this problem when I was using low dose of bloom

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
From what I can find the topmax is a Humic acid......That's a good thing,,,,,,,use every other feed as I don't know the concentrations in it. I'll bet they use a kelp base for some of their stuff. That's good but it can be strong so tempering is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
From what I can find the topmax is a Humic acid......That's a good thing,,,,,,,use every other feed as I don't know the concentrations in it. I'll bet they use a kelp base for some of their stuff. That's good but it can be strong so tempering is a good idea.
Here's ingredients top max
Ash 0.26%
Nitrate 0.2%
Entire nitrogen 0.17%
Magnesium 0.3%
Lead 5.00 mg
Cadmium 0.10 mg
Chrome 2.00mg
Copper 2.00 mg
Nickel 2.00 mg
Mercury0.01 mg
Zink 30,00 mg
Iron 100,00 mg
Boron 100.00 mg
Cobalt 0.04 mg
Manganese 17.00 mg
Molybdenum 0.07 mg
Arsenic 0.01 mg
Selenium 0.10 mg
Thallium 0.01mg
All on bottle but in dutch so had to Google translate

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I figured that the tmax was the delivery system for the micro nutrients. That was it.

Hmm, ten parts per billion of arsenic......That happens to be the US Federal limit for it in water.

Thallium is a totally different problem!!!!
The MCLG (Maximum Contaminate Limit Goal) for thallium in water is only 0.0005 mg/l or .5 ppb!
After hard lobbying by Big Companies, the EPA has set it back to 0.002 or 2 ppb.
At a six year review it was found that the .5 ppb was correct, but, as usual, did not change the MCL back at the behest of major drug companies! Money talks and people be damned!
Hair loss, blood changes, liver and kidney damage are the main results of Thallium consumption at even the 10 ppb level for extended periods....Death will be the end result of Thallium poisoning at higher levels. It does build up in the body....

I don't know about amounts transferred to the plant from this form of use.....BUT, it might be something to take note of!

Thallium comes from mining operations and drug manufacturing. Most contaminates are water borne.


Well-Known Member
YEA THEIR IS some nasty stuff I it but if u read any leaflet that comes with ur prescription drugs side effects included that also has plenty nasty shit Init