What the hell is going on?


New Member
It's no big deal, google does the same thing, it can tell your general area and targets the ads to that. same thing with what you are seeing.

And fyi, EVERY website can see your ip address....thats how you can communicate back and forth online. Ive long since lost the link, but there a banner you cna put in your sig, and it will have the ip address in it of whoever is viewing it. No one else can see it, but back in the day it used to freak a lot of people out until they understood the nature of the internet

No reason for stoner paranoia
no reason to worry that vendors are capturing our IP address then spamming us
they are listing city our ip is located

i know how ip works and if riu aint giving to them then they are allowing companies to come on here and fish for them
wonder if feds will catch on and place ad

sorry i respect u but i dont fall for the whitewashing of this
as typical and just stoner paranoia


Well-Known Member
i was going to call mr rollitup a shitter​ over the ip shiz but obijohn chilled me out lol ;-)


New Member
It's no big deal, google does the same thing, it can tell your general area and targets the ads to that. same thing with what you are seeing.

And fyi, EVERY website can see your ip address....thats how you can communicate back and forth online. Ive long since lost the link, but there a banner you cna put in your sig, and it will have the ip address in it of whoever is viewing it. No one else can see it, but back in the day it used to freak a lot of people out until they understood the nature of the internet

No reason for stoner paranoia
mentioned google does this yes they do but before they did they sent out notice of change in privacy terms and remember everyone here was raising hell and posting about it

when u join a site or they change terms of privacy u have to disclose if it will be shared

where is our terms of privacy?


New Member
Use Chrome as your browser and install Ad Block Plus.

I havent seen an online ad in a year.
so lets see riu sells a bunch of ads then all the users block them to keep from having privacy invaded
sounds like someones getting ripped
and how u know ad block is preventing them getting your IP?
they had my ip before i clicked ad


Well-Known Member
It's no big deal, google does the same thing, it can tell your general area and targets the ads to that. same thing with what you are seeing.

And fyi, EVERY website can see your ip address....thats how you can communicate back and forth online. Ive long since lost the link, but there a banner you cna put in your sig, and it will have the ip address in it of whoever is viewing it. No one else can see it, but back in the day it used to freak a lot of people out until they understood the nature of the internet

No reason for stoner paranoia
GOOGLE is NOT a marijuana cultivation website. this is my concern john. i don't care what google does.
i do understand how the internet works :eyesmoke:
and i do take offense at the "stoner paranoia" remark, John. i'm not a sketchy kid worried about a couple of joints. i don't wanna be wearing an orange jumpsuit brother.


New Member
yea don't really worry about google it fucks up often
no one gives a shit about google this issue has nothing to do with it
i like sunny dont post what i do on google
and i dont want to be wearing a orange jumpsuit also
and take offense also to the bs whitewash comment stoner paranoia
we got to much to loss and btw im not even stoned now


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what the problem is here, it seems you are concerned that a website has your IP address ?


Well-Known Member
what site?? riu?? lol ip is pretty damn hard to get the staic location of a persons machine

ther are ways to get around these issues if your not too simple minded
1st get this
just download the free one (blue button) changes ur ip everytime u load it up and it dont really affect browsing speeds. if your downloading tho it will slow em to a crawl but hell thats not wat this is about.

chek if your ip is dynamic often leaving your router OFFa i,e unpugged for the night will change your ip.

3rd if not ^^ that way then like my isp after u een disconnected for 3 days ur ip changes


for instance im logged in now with no proxy or vpn running so if a ADMIN goes into admin panel he will se my ip yeh?,,ok then now if i logged out and loaded proxy up and logged bak in, he then can only see the ip of the proxy im running and unless hes written my ip down from before or has a fuk of a good memory hewont get yourreal ip again unti u forget to logon using proxy/vpn


fyi its not just ip they can locate you with thers MAC addy too wich is unique to every machine plugged into the www :)


Well-Known Member
failing all that bollox,,,ring ur isp say sum1 is ddos'ing your ip and u need it changed for security

THEN never logon a site again without proxy,,to save loading the shield up everytime get a free public proxy address and enter it into firefox proxy in tools then its auto everytime u logon



New Member
what site?? riu?? lol ip is pretty damn hard to get the staic location of a persons machine

ther are ways to get around these issues if your not too simple minded
1st get this
just download the free one (blue button) changes ur ip everytime u load it up and it dont really affect browsing speeds. if your downloading tho it will slow em to a crawl but hell thats not wat this is about.

chek if your ip is dynamic often leaving your router OFFa i,e unpugged for the night will change your ip.

3rd if not ^^ that way then like my isp after u een disconnected for 3 days ur ip changes


for instance im logged in now with no proxy or vpn running so if a ADMIN goes into admin panel he will se my ip yeh?,,ok then now if i logged out and loaded proxy up and logged bak in, he then can only see the ip of the proxy im running and unless hes written my ip down from before or has a fuk of a good memory hewont get yourreal ip again unti u forget to logon using proxy/vpn


fyi its not just ip they can locate you with thers MAC addy too wich is unique to every machine plugged into the www :)
it from advertisers on riu


Well-Known Member
Lots of websites that have advertising target general locations. It's nothing to get worked up about. Yeah, this is a weed board, but no one is going to try and track down pot users. Most of us are in legal states, but even for those not in one, smoking and growing a bit of pot doesn't warrant the effort to locate you.

If someone posted info or admission of a serious federal crime, stuff like child porn etc, the Feds need a court order or warrant to get the info from the website to find the person.

Again, no reason for paranoia. If you are that paranoid, why are you publicly posting about weed for to begin with?


New Member
is it just you and me here FAB? idk why all of you aren't concerned.
just u and me
the ads just loop every around if u go to one page and hit refresh over and over it cycles through ads like one every 5-10 seconds till it loops back so most havent seen it, or dont notice it or have ad block which doesnt mean they cant get your ip


New Member
Lots of websites that have advertising target general locations. It's nothing to get worked up about. Yeah, this is a weed board, but no one is going to try and track down pot users. Most of us are in legal states, but even for those not in one, smoking and growing a bit of pot doesn't warrant the effort to locate you.

If someone posted info or admission of a serious federal crime, stuff like child porn etc, the Feds need a court order or warrant to get the info from the website to find the person.

Again, no reason for paranoia. If you are that paranoid, why are you publicly posting about weed for to begin with?
what a bunch of bullshit
ok how is it getting our towns before we even clicked link or even posted in thread u mean it is searching member list for general local
mine is a small tiny town so how is that targeting general locations

i know how computers and internet works so dont try to brush me off with that simple bs