What the Hell's it Budd'n for?


Well-Known Member
My third year and hoping for as good or better success than the first two (which were great) and each year has had it's own special "problem". This time I've got a plant that looks like it's trying to bud and they've only been under the lights 5 weeks and those 5 have been 20 hour light periods. Using a 1000 W HPS with soil. The plants are all high-grade like White Widow and AK. This one is suppose to be "RoadRunner". It seems where there should be a new shoot making the plant taller, there's what looks like a young bud. Certainly female plant but what's up with this? Any have any info on this? Is the plant not going to grow...is this one of those "auto-flower" strains they sent me in error....or I guess could be on purpose?


Active Member
Hey man, no way for us on RIU to know without some pics.

Is that possible for you to get pics? Could just possibly be pre-flowers. No way to know for sure yet though



Well-Known Member
I hate too sound like a broken record but ditto^ already you've got my interest would be a lot easier to help if we could see the problem.


Well-Known Member
buds.1 002.jpgbuds.1 001 (2).jpgEach picture is showing two plants. The one closer to you is growing normally and the one in the back is the budding one. You can see buds growing where the new shoots normally are.


Well-Known Member
how long have they been under lights? Maybe compare to someone who has an auto and see if the timeframe matches. good luck


Well-Known Member
how long have they been under lights? Maybe compare to someone who has an auto and see if the timeframe matches. good luck
thats a good idea i didnt think of. The answer= Roadrunner is an autoflowering strain according to most of the stuff i read and the ones that dont are not saying its a photoperiod, they just dont mention what it is.


Well-Known Member
At least you see what I'm talking about. And come to think of it, this was one of the odd ball seeds they send along with the ones I actually ordered. I guess since none I ordered were auto-flowering it didn't cross my mind I'd get anything else,..even with the odd balls. But Alas,..If this is what that is, ...then I've been surprised twice. I guess I can understand an odd ball being whatever the luck of the draw you may get but last year my largest and most anticipated plant turned out to be a damn male and had to spend a few moments in my fireplace. It WAS one I ordered as feminized. As said earlier,...little things to learn as you go through the trials and tribulations. Seed banks are obviously not up to the technology needed for 100% accruacy and odd ball seeds can be F'n anything. So make consessions and plant a few more plants as back ups. That one male plant was around a third of my whole production it was so big (at least I thought it would have been). Others have told me that when they look like they're growing hugh and fast, those could be a high chance of being a male. Well, I've got another this time too. So with this "freek" plant out of control, I may have a nother large hit from a rogue mail. I did plant one extra plant for a back-make this year so I am learning.

Soooo, I'm asking anyone that has had experience with these Auto-flowering strains and tell me what's to be expected. They've been under 20 hours of 1000 w HPS and since I'm only experienced with Photo-period strains, I'm at a loss. If this is how they work, I'd never get an Auto-flowering strain if they do their thing only at 5 weeks. Not much of a plant to get any kind of high yeilds from with that short period. Anyone suggest another forum sight I should ask this quesition or if anyone else has an answer ,..bring it. Peace out for now. -Silky.


Well-Known Member
Some strains are sensitive to red HPS lighting and this is enough to trigger flowering regardless of pp. Next time veg them with a 400w blue MH.


Well-Known Member
well, your autoflowering plant will be getting less light to make energy with but other than that nothing unusual except since it started flowering already so it will be ahead of the other plants that wont start flower till the flip. .what would you consider a high yeild? ive seen some really impressive imo autos on here before. i'm going to see what i can dig up on it.


Well-Known Member
That's a fair question. I guess my idea (with two years of indoor grow experience) would be around 1-2 OZ's/plant. I usually try to get my "years supply" worth and it seems to work out pretty good with about 9 plants. I've come up with about 12-13 OZ's of great bud each time and I don't see how I could get much more out of them. I use to grow outside when I lived in IA and those would produce about a pound/plant. Of course they grew unteathered and upwards of 7-8' tall. I've enclosed some pics of my previous year's indoor crop.

I've always been a bit curious about these "auto-flowering" strains so I guess I'll see what happens now. Maybe I'll prefer them. That plant is getting pretty hairy. It probably will need harvesting before the others eah?

