What The Hellz


lol you guys crack me up lol i just exhailed whew. alright so yah prolly calcium tox. i got them flushed to PH 6 give or take 1 or 2. tomorow giving that they are half dry ill feed with 450PPM of food and bring them back up to 650. pn next feeding. any objections? i havnt cranked up the food as ive been scared to burn them. normal feeding with tap water is about 800PPM off canna calculator. now im feeding them every other day as thats when the pots are about half weight. how does one know when to up the nutes? ID like to flower these soon. any tips or sugestions?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
hahaha, this thread cracked me up, don't trip bro your plants are gonna be just fine...feed 'em when they are hungry or when you think they need it. like somebody said earlier in the thread learn to read you rplant not a chart.


im sure the canna calculator is for tomatoes haha im chill im chill... just dont wanna jack these up as i have alot invested!! im feeding today. hopefully the ph on the runnoff is still low. gonna hit them with 500 PPM food today after they wake from a nap. thanks for the help and glad i can give someone a chuckle at my expense :) thanks for the help. ill post some pics in here in a couple days :)


Active Member
I don't think you have toxicity of any kind, especially not at 650ppm. How old are those plants?
They definitely looked nice and green to me too, except for the lower leaves, but it happens. It's kind of a "squint and tilt your head just so" type of deal, to see a problem, if any.


rgr rgr. we all have to be a noob sometime or another. and yes i look at my plants every day lol. from what ive read whats been done is done and to look at the new growth? if the new growth is coming out jacked then get into problem mode?? lol im learning. coco aint like soil. soil was a piece of cake but ill say this, at 1 month old, my soil plants never looked this bushy!! the only problem i had with soil was from what im understanding now, is nitrogen deficiancy. in flower my leaves were yellowing off and dying. i had spider mites and was thinking that the chems used to kill the bugs was the culprit. could of been part of both. now with coco, i need a bigger veg room lol thanks for helping out the old nooby. ill keep yall updated :) and if ya hear me crying...my plants my plants...set me straight ROFL TY Johnbs8