What The Most Memorable Sexual Experience You Have Ever Had?


Well-Known Member
that shit is nasty all around a women should not reveil there flatulance at any given time just like some rude guys


Well-Known Member
just think of it as i do...if u dont want a girl to do it in front of u then dont do it in front of them,women can be spiteful and do it just cus u did it and it made them mad, some are just rude all around.no offense to the XXchromosome


Well-Known Member
OP > In a Graveyard, on halloween, and under a full moon.


that shit is nasty all around a women should not reveil there flatulance at any given time just like some rude guys
In some eastern cultures flatulence is considered flirtation. As is a strong belch at the end of a good meal.


Well-Known Member
My most memorable experience has been understanding how fantastic sex can improve a relationship out of bed as well as in it. There are times when I fight with my boyfriend but as it comes close to night time I always feel especially motivated to make peace because more than wanting to stay stubborn I want to enjoy myself with him in bed.


New Member
What Lacy, you don't like to let one loose at times?
Umm. no Zeke DAWGGGGG. I don't really find that turns me on. :roll:

that shit is nasty all around a women should not reveil there flatulance at any given time just like some rude guys
just think of it as i do...if u dont want a girl to do it in front of u then dont do it in front of them,women can be spiteful and do it just cus u did it and it made them mad, some are just rude all around.no offense to the XXchromosome
I don't know why my guy seems to be proud of them. :? He says all guys are like that. :-|

OP > In a Graveyard, on halloween, and under a full moon.
Now that actually sounds very romantic.:mrgreen:

In some eastern cultures flatulence is considered flirtation. As is a strong belch at the end of a good meal.
Yes there certainly are some strange customs in some cultures thats for sure. What about that indian tribe who think it is sexy to stretch their lips out as far as possible. :? Too each their own I guess. :roll:

thats something my uncle would say,hes a redneck literally :)
Well I would have to totally agree with your uncle. There are slip ups and then there is just plain rude. Thats just plain rude if you ask me.


New Member
Well it certainly can be a HUGE motivator. Especially if you BOTH want it. :roll:

If the other person doesn't care one way or another then this scenerio kind of sucks. :? Sometimes after a fight the sex can be better than ever. I love that mad passionate type of stuff. :mrgreen: You know....up against the wall and on the kitchen table :roll:
My most memorable experience has been understanding how fantastic sex can improve a relationship out of bed as well as in it. There are times when I fight with my boyfriend but as it comes close to night time I always feel especially motivated to make peace because more than wanting to stay stubborn I want to enjoy myself with him in bed.


Well-Known Member
My most memorable was my first and only lesbian encounter.I was drinking and tokeing with a very good friend of mine known her for years! Then out of the blue she says "you like girls?" Im naive so I say "yeah last time I checked they were all right."With that she unleashed a Cheshire cat grin knocked me down and took it.I wasn't mad,way too stoned to be mad but I do know that now my friend can take it prison style any time she wants now.It's an inside joke here now Hubs asks if I need extra packs of ciggs to buy my butt back every time I go out with her.:mrgreen:


New Member
Haha thas funny.
I remember once having a very good friend up to visit hubby and I a few years back. She always had a thing for me but she had a steady gurl she was living with at the time. When my friend and I went on the back deck to toke up when we returned looked truly could kill. Her gf was livid. Neither her nor my hubby tokes so I guess she felt left out or extremely jealous because they haven't come up to visit since. :?

Your story reminds me of this because hubby always makes fun of me whenever her name comes up;)
My most memorable was my first and only lesbian encounter.I was drinking and tokeing with a very good friend of mine known her for years! Then out of the blue she says "you like girls?" Im naive so I say "yeah last time I checked they were all right."With that she unleashed a Cheshire cat grin knocked me down and took it.I wasn't mad,way too stoned to be mad but I do know that now my friend can take it prison style any time she wants now.It's an inside joke here now Hubs asks if I need extra packs of ciggs to buy my butt back every time I go out with her.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

I think for the most part woman have romantic attachments to their favourite memories but I may be wrong.
I figured for men it would probably be all about the sex only but I could be wrong about that also. :confused:
It's so weird. Sex was always this romantic, beautiful thing to me.

But then I got on the internet and saw that some people use sex in a very strange way. Not romantic at all. More like dominance.

Sometimes when you're relating to a person physically, you're two people who need to express themselves, and you're talking-- talking sexually, talking with your bodies.

At the time, the two of you needed that conversation-- as you learned things about each other, and you learned things about yourself.

I think that is healthy, as we discover and explore.

But these are people we might not want to be with for a long term... we were intimate, and we shared ourselves with each other, but it was because we were discovering something about another person, and something about ourselves.

You give in to the moment, you experience and enjoy it to the degree that you can, with that partner, in that relationship.

For instance, sometimes I would meet a woman and we both needed physical intimacy, and we achieved that, and we shared things about ourselves.

But we did not have enough in common to be friends over a long term... what we had in common was, our bodies liked coming together, our bodies needed to come together, we were in sex school, we were learning. About ourselves, and about others.

We were exploring a way to relate to another person in a different way than we might do at our job, or a picnic, or a gathering.

We were intimate.

And yet, I have had the experience of being in love with someone, and we never had sex.

I wanted to have sex, but she didn't.

It turns out, I can still be in love with her, I can still love her.

I had this experience, over a period of years, where I was in love with this dame, and I left my girlfriend for her, because I didn't want to cheat.

But me and the new girl never had sex.

We talked a lot, worked on art projects together, told each other we loved each other.

But we never had sex. I always wanted to, and told her a couple times but she wouldn't.

Still, when I look back on that, it was a beautiful affair.

Basically, even though we didn't have sex, we were making love to each other, every time we got together.

I told her this recently (she's married now, with a kid), that I look back on that time as one of the most beautiful experiences of my life-- a wonderful love affair-- it turns out we didn't have to have sex to be in love.

She responded ecstatically... we both knew and know that we won't and wouldn't have been lovers...

Yet we got to be in love.

That's one of my favorites.


Well-Known Member
another older woman thing. They are more experienced. I guess that is it ;)

Older women are more sensual. They know their bodies better, they've been through some things, they project a different aura than younger women.

I'm their age now.

But when I was in my late teens and 20's, I would always flirt with, and be attracted to, older women, because of the sensuality they exuberated.

I don't think that's a word.

Anyways, I had so many wonderful eye conversations with these women and of course I would always go home and fantasize about them.

The thing about them was, you COULD have these eye conversations.

Younger women talk with their bodies, but not very often with their eyes.

The older women talk with their eyes and you have this amazing dialogue.


Well-Known Member
that shit is nasty all around a women should not reveil there flatulance at any given time just like some rude guys
People fart. We're biological organisms and the stuff inside us makes gas, and it has to be released at some point.

If I'm with a girl who has to fart, and she does, I feel more comfortable, because it's like an acknowledgement: okay, we're both humans, and humans fart.

My recent girlfriend, she would say, it cracks me up, how honest she is, "I have really bad gas" and she had this way of quietly farting while keeping the covers over her lower section.

So we just played with her tits.

Sometimes people have to fart.

But it impressed me that she was so honest. She told me, "Whenever I eat red meat, which is not often, it gives me flatulence, sorry."

It gave me comfort, because sometimes I have to fart, so I felt comfortable with her, like she understood our biological organisms.

Sometimes we're squeeky clean and we don't let out this noxious gas and other times we're like a chemical playskool or something.

It comes and goes, and we all have it.

But if you feel like you're farting a lot, you should look at your diet.

Farting is basically all these gases occuring, and if it's happening more than seems likely, you may be eating the wrong stuff (fast food, things you're allergic to, not enough vegetables, etc).


New Member
It's so weird. Sex was always this romantic, beautiful thing to me.

But then I got on the internet and saw that some people use sex in a very strange way. Not romantic at all. More like dominance

Sometimes when you're relating to a person physically, you're two people who need to express themselves, and you're talking-- talking sexually, talking with your bodies.

At the time, the two of you needed that conversation-- as you learned things about each other, and you learned things about yourself.

I think that is healthy, as we discover and explore.

But these are people we might not want to be with for a long term... we were intimate, and we shared ourselves with each other, but it was because we were discovering something about another person, and something about ourselves.Yes this is so true.

You give in to the moment, you experience and enjoy it to the degree that you can, with that partner, in that relationship.

For instance, sometimes I would meet a woman and we both needed physical intimacy, and we achieved that, and we shared things about ourselves.

But we did not have enough in common to be friends over a long term... what we had in common was, our bodies liked coming together, our bodies needed to come together, we were in sex school, we were learning. About ourselves, and about others.

We were exploring a way to relate to another person in a different way than we might do at our job, or a picnic, or a gathering.

We were intimate.

And yet, I have had the experience of being in love with someone, and we never had sex.

I wanted to have sex, but she didn't.umm. :roll:

It turns out, I can still be in love with her, I can still love her.true enough.

I had this experience, over a period of years, where I was in love with this dame, and I left my girlfriend for her, because I didn't want to cheat.

But me and the new girl never had sex.

We talked a lot, worked on art projects together, told each other we loved each other.

But we never had sex. I always wanted to, and told her a couple times but she wouldn't.

Still, when I look back on that, it was a beautiful affair.

Basically, even though we didn't have sex, we were making love to each other, every time we got together.

I told her this recently (she's married now, with a kid), that I look back on that time as one of the most beautiful experiences of my life-- a wonderful love affair-- it turns out we didn't have to have sex to be in love.

She responded ecstatically... we both knew and know that we won't and wouldn't have been lovers...

Yet we got to be in love.

That's one of my favorites.
Wow ! That is very tender indeed. And written from a man. :mrgreen: Thats so nice. I can relate to that.

Older women are more sensual. They know their bodies better, they've been through some things, they project a different aura than younger women.I couldn't agree with you more. :mrgreen: Older woman aren't waiting for their partner to please them. They already know how to please themselves.

I'm their age now.

But when I was in my late teens and 20's, I would always flirt with, and be attracted to, older women, because of the sensuality they exuberated.

I don't think that's a word.

Anyways, I had so many wonderful eye conversations with these women and of course I would always go home and fantasize about them.

The thing about them was, you COULD have these eye conversations.

Younger women talk with their bodies, but not very often with their eyes.

The older women talk with their eyes and you have this amazing dialogue.Very interesting. I think when as a younger woman we somehow think that its all about us and how we look. When we get older we see the bigger picture and that their is more than merely what meets the eye. :blsmoke::peace:[/quote]

People fart. We're biological organisms and the stuff inside us makes gas, and it has to be released at some point.

If I'm with a girl who has to fart, and she does, I feel more comfortable, because it's like an acknowledgement: okay, we're both humans, and humans fart.

My recent girlfriend, she would say, it cracks me up, how honest she is, "I have really bad gas" and she had this way of quietly farting while keeping the covers over her lower section.

So we just played with her tits.LMAO!!! well thats a way to distract

Sometimes people have to fart.

But it impressed me that she was so honest. She told me, "Whenever I eat red meat, which is not often, it gives me flatulence, sorry."

It gave me comfort, because sometimes I have to fart, so I felt comfortable with her, like she understood our biological organisms.

Sometimes we're squeeky clean and we don't let out this noxious gas and other times we're like a chemical playskool or something.

It comes and goes, and we all have it.

But if you feel like you're farting a lot, you should look at your diet.

Farting is basically all these gases occuring, and if it's happening more than seems likely, you may be eating the wrong stuff (fast food, things you're allergic to, not enough vegetables, etc).
I don't think it is the act itself that turns either of the sexes off BUT rather how it is done. But I am sooo not getting into that one. :roll: