What timer to get?

These are $15 and once you get thru the learning curve, these puppies can get down to 0.0001 sec! Can have it run fans, lights and pump all from 1 of these with maybe an additional relay or two an arduino of sorts and you can have it automated with wi-fi activated motion camera's that'll text or email a live feed! For around $100 you could have an automatic enviromental digital regulator that'll rival in functionality anything costing ten times. I'll take the gain in sheer open-source adaptability and simple to replace/upgradeable with only taking a fraction off for eye appeal unless practicality means less to than aesthetics. people maybe don't want to explore unfamiliar territory, which is understandable however you don't need to spend >$80. There are many different branded names of the same looking timer, most of them are cheaper too, but this DROK one is the one am familiar with. just go on amazon and look up
DROK Multifunctional DC 12V 1 channel relay board. Make sure it's the one with 18 functions.


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