what to do about mushrooms?


I don't understand why my plants are growing mushrooms in the soil is it ok or bad & what do I do to fix it please help


Well-Known Member
maybe if your using manure it wasn't cooked properly. Soil that is not cooked will have dormant things in it waiting for a good time to pop up, and i believe there is products out there that may help sterilize your medium. Some people even microwave their soil to speed cook it ( if you arent doing organic and aren't using the cooking to break everything down)


It is probably due to unsterilized soil. There were probably spores in the soil and due to moisture and heat they started to grow. As far as if it will hurt the plants, I really don't know cause I've never had this happen to me! :-o I would watch where I get my soil from from now on cause there can be some pretty nasty things that WILL kill your plants in unsterile soil. Hopefully someone else can help you figure out if your plants will be okay but I'm really curious as to whether or not this will hurt the plants, so I'll be watching this thread.

EDIT: I'm assuming you're growing indoors...

DeZze :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms can also be a sign of good healthy soil. I had some in my last grow. I tilled the top soil before watering and the spores no longer appeared at the surface.


Well soil I'm useing miracle grow moisture control as for humidity it can't be over 10% and I water every 3-4 days as needed. I'm just wondering if itwill stunt there growth what if I pick em & till the soil & put bone blood in there will that help u think


Well-Known Member
Shrooms will not germ in dry soil with plenty of light.
Most likely you are watering too frequently and not letting the soil dry out inbetween.
Are your plants showing signs?
I have used MG MC soil for my past 4 grows and never had an issue.