What to do about plant revegging on its own and its not finished yet?


I had a king louie plant indoors that I was taking cuts from, I put it in my 12/12 room for about 2 weeks and then once it initiated budding I put outside in the ground. Everything going well for like 5 weeks, now I notice that there is new growth coming out of the tops of the buds..... this is not the buds fattening this is actual veg growth coming from the buds. I know this cause I recently just successfully reveged a plant I would like to have the buds finish since they probably have only 2 weeks or so to go. I guess my question is.....what would you do? since the plant has already started to reveg is it too late to throw like a big black trash bag over it for a few hours before its dark, or has the plant taken its course, meaning its not gonna get any better than it already is as far as resin and potency, I dont mind the plant revegging but i would like to harvest prior and not waste all the buds, would you cut buds now? I thought they would finish but I was wrong... or would you just let it do its thing since the buds are not full mature and the plant is telling itself not to grow buds anymore but to veg? Im a dumbass and just thought I could put it outside and that beings the days are only getting longer by 3 minutes a day I thought it would finish and at that point good opportunity to reveg at that point.... LOL any help or advice would be appreciated.....I have a feeling I'm fucked here I will try to take a few pictures today


Well-Known Member
I had a king louie plant indoors that I was taking cuts from, I put it in my 12/12 room for about 2 weeks and then once it initiated budding I put outside in the ground. Everything going well for like 5 weeks, now I notice that there is new growth coming out of the tops of the buds..... this is not the buds fattening this is actual veg growth coming from the buds. I know this cause I recently just successfully reveged a plant I would like to have the buds finish since they probably have only 2 weeks or so to go. I guess my question is.....what would you do? since the plant has already started to reveg is it too late to throw like a big black trash bag over it for a few hours before its dark, or has the plant taken its course, meaning its not gonna get any better than it already is as far as resin and potency, I dont mind the plant revegging but i would like to harvest prior and not waste all the buds, would you cut buds now? I thought they would finish but I was wrong... or would you just let it do its thing since the buds are not full mature and the plant is telling itself not to grow buds anymore but to veg? Im a dumbass and just thought I could put it outside and that beings the days are only getting longer by 3 minutes a day I thought it would finish and at that point good opportunity to reveg at that point.... LOL any help or advice would be appreciated.....I have a feeling I'm fucked here I will try to take a few pictures today
you can use the trash bag method but people say that unless you block all light, you could hermie the plant.