What to do about this!!??????? Rep for a good solution..


Well-Known Member
I already know to let the soil dry out and I already got rid of all the dead foilage and the shroom but what other preventative steps can I take to make sure no more pop up? What is the threat? Is there any??



What kind of soil are you using. Mushrooms are form spores had to come from some where. On a good note they only grow in high nutrient soil. Seen that on Dirty Jobs


Well-Known Member
I use a varietyof nutes. Earth juice "grow" is made from shit.. so im thinking it may have something to do with it..


I use a varietyof nutes. Earth juice "grow" is made from shit.. so im thinking it may have something to do with it..
That is a store bought product. Either that or the soil has alot of dead wood in it. I know they grow in rotting wood.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Well although it is a fungus I would not worry about it other then the fact it sure must be dark there? Spores got in the manure some how... Google Mushroom spores in the vegetable garden and see what any of the Universities have written on the subject