What to do harvest or not?


Well-Known Member
IF this was my grow and I note it's not. I would remove the sickly old leaves from the bottom. This would IMHO serve two purposes 1) too get rid of possible unneeded issues and 2) to allow more light to get to the lower budz.. At this stage in the grow they are not helping the plant at all really. Also, if I had not already flushed the medium, I would now..

Good Luck and Great Grow


Well-Known Member
That's a tuff one is the plant feeding off the leaves of what It needs, if its growing still leave them they will fall off when done or when the plant decides too. Second your hairs and mostly white and shooting upwards not ready first indicator , third a flawless run and a plant runs smoothly on time , fuck that up and and expect a week recovery for every fuck up.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Why do you think the top is ready? "Suppose to be done" if you're going by what the breeder site/pack says then don't worry at all, that's just a guideline and tons of shit can easily change the time frame.

I can't really tell much from the pic, but doesn't look like it's done enough that i'd worry on letting it go longer.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Patience will pay off in the long run. I'm 15 days past the breeders suggestion of 55 days and she still might have 4-5 days left. It's always grower's choice though so good luck!