What to do next?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone.

So I have a few suppliers in which I know and deal with, Seedsman and Seed Supreme. I am a med smoker with Chrons disease, and a few other pain issues..

The two strains I have right now, Mataro Blue and Supreme Haze that are photo are great, however they seem extremely slow at what they do. I know the Supreme will take at least 11 weeks from flower to finish it off, and the Mataro is going like a snail too as I seem to have gotten the runt of the pack (my co-op grow ones look amazing),

I need some good meds that flower relatively quickly, and produce a lot of at least mid-couch type narcotic pain relief feeling.

Anything that can flower in 50-60 days and shows sex early would be a plus. I've heard a lot of good things about Freedom 35 and thought maybe that would cut it if it was sexable after three weeks meaning aprox 85-90 days give or take?


Well-Known Member
Wife has crohns. I talked to Don of DNA about this he recommends there LA. Confidential and I've heard from a few that Cheese has some digestive pain relief. Ive never ran any high cbd strains but id assume they would be good to.


Well-Known Member
pain and chrons are best to be treated with a heavy indica if im not mistaken, although it might make her tired so a cbd extract would be good during the day time. herijuana is one of the best indicas ive seen imo, not a long flowering time either. and with the CBD bill passing in my state they only allow growing one strain, Charlotte's Web, which is pretty high in CBD and quite low in THC, possibly a strain to look into.


Well-Known Member
A good northern lights would help her I bet. Look into Mr.Nice ortega or maybe Sensi's NL. Female Seeds iced grapefruit or Nirvana Aurora Indica are great for what your looking for also.


Well-Known Member
most kush strains finish early and knock you out...
Fuckin rory lol beat me to it. Rory nailed it any good kush will do you right. I normally don't mess with indica's because they always seem to be more physically numbing to me and don't seem to give me the racey (how are you supposed to spell that?) head high that I normally get from a good sativa. My back is all busted up, extruded disc, compressed disc's it's all there. I am able to lift a lot heavier and way more comfortable with a indica, then with out it.


Well-Known Member
i got one champ kush type...its a bagseed called potroast..its not so overwhelming but it
does get you really high for really long,helps with pain,and knocks you out when the high is leaving...good for insomnia also..
but,normally im looking for a sativa or a blend for that right amount of energy and "geekyness"...