what to do when nutrient burn


Well-Known Member
ok so i was in a rush to mix in the nutrients in the water so the family won't step in the room and instead of putting tsb, i ended up putting tbs.

well the 3 that was doing fine........2 of them are still doing ok (just a bit of wilting leaves at the bottom), but one of them has nutrient burn. all the leaves are down and looking crunchy.

today marks 6 weeks of flowering and it has buds and a bit of auburn on the pistils.

would i be still get something out of that one? what should i do?

i was thinking of either still trying with that one...........or just hang it up to dry.

let me know, thanks


Well-Known Member
flush it with 3 times the amount of water to the size of the pot, let the soil dry then resume feeding.
It's a terrible idea to grow in your parents house buddy!


Well-Known Member
flush it with 3 times the amount of water to the size of the pot, let the soil dry then resume feeding.
It's a terrible idea to grow in your parents house buddy!

by flushing it 3 times the amount and with the soil still moist.........it won't drown the plants? i know it's a silly thing to ask you being that you are an experience grower...........but curious on it and just a bit paranoid.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks!

other question.......what if i did waited too long? i have a feeling i did.

won't be able to flush them anytime soon now though since it's in the dark period for now till another 10 hours. i did before the lights went out added a bit water on em to flush some


Well-Known Member
you can work in the dark if you had a green led flashlight, Plants reflect green light, they can't absorb it, maybe head to your local electronic store and see if they have any, you can work as long as you need with that flashlight


Hey I'm a Upcomming grower and I splashed my plants with the grow food on the leaves and in some. Spots it turned a very lite yellow. Is it gone turn back the original color or its gone stay the same