What to do with extra weed?


Active Member
I've got my medical card and growers permit from health canada, and I'm getting ready to harvest soon, and I'm a little concerned that I may end up yielding over my limit.

What do I do in this situation? Do dispensaries in Canada (the few that there are) take donations of cannabis?

I want to make sure I'm staying on the right side of the law, so in the event that I end up harvesting over my limit, what should I do?


Active Member
Your the first person i have ever heard of who fears yielding to much, i wish we had medical marijuana in my country. Good luck with all your extra weed, i am beginning to get jealous. :bigjoint:

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I cant really imagine you should have too much difficulty getting rid of it. Put an add on craigslist, give it to another patient, preferably old or poor. Then claim it in full value as a charitable donation for a tax write off.


Active Member
I've got my medical card and growers permit from health canada, and I'm getting ready to harvest soon, and I'm a little concerned that I may end up yielding over my limit.

What do I do in this situation? Do dispensaries in Canada (the few that there are) take donations of cannabis?

I want to make sure I'm staying on the right side of the law, so in the event that I end up harvesting over my limit, what should I do?
Roll bigger joints.


Active Member
"Extra weed"

This phrase does not compute. What does this mean? ;)
I know, I know. I figured this post might get a little bit of flack ;-)

I'm being sincere though.

I ended up vegging for about 4 months this year and I've got a few monsters that are snapping limbs with the weight of their buds.

I just didn't expect to yield this much.

If I was a braver man I would sell it, but I'm not.

I'm just a little paranoid lately because of all the bullshit going on around here with the cops and our government wanting to lock everyone up who's growing more than 5 plants. I just want to make sure I'm keeping it legal.

The only reason I'm growing is for health reasons, thus the medical card.


Well-Known Member
keep your overage in the freezer for yourself for future use... it will stay good for years...frozen kept will only loose like 5% potency per year


Active Member
lots of good suggestions on here, i like the giving it to old or disabled patients, and the idea to make oil/ hash/ butter. i dont know about canada, but in california you are allowed to sell your product for money compensation. ie you can sell it at a reasonable price to return the money you put into the process of growing the cannabis, this includes labor hours. and dispensary owners are allowed to pay themselves a salary, this is considered non-profit. local dispensaries purchase cannabis from growers to keep stocked, paying around $3000 a lb for high grade (considered fund recovery for the grower). if it wasn't for private growers most dispensaries would be unable to operate. once you begin to turn your non-profit sales into a business thats when you cross the line. i recommend doing some research on your local cannabis laws.


Active Member
I wish this was the case here in BC, but I don't think it is. Any other Canadians, please chime in if you know differently. It would be really nice to recover even just a portion of the cost of electricity, soil, fertilizers, seeds etc. It's actually really expensive to grow.

Stark Raving

Active Member
Are you a designated grower, or do you grow for yourself only? If you have a patient, make sure they max out on what they can store themselves, even if they have to pay you back later. Then store what you are allowed. Take the rest, dig a hole, and bury that shit! LOL. Really though, are you sure you can't spread things out to keep it legal? If not, the law says you gotta destroy it. Personally, I burn my excess......slowly.......in these nifty little "burning tubes".

At the end of the day, if you aren't advertising that you grow, you keep things legal, and you don't give the cops a reason to suspect otherwise, Health Canada, the RCs or anyone else isn't going to care if you have a few extra ounces. And they should never be aware of it in the first place. The most important phrase a grower should know is, "sure officer, I'd be happy to let you count/weigh, just as soon as I have a look at that search warrant."


Active Member
I only grow for myself. I'll double check my storage limit, and yeah, if I'm over by a couple oz, I don't think it's such a big deal, but my harvest is looking like it's going to be scary big if the weather cooperates.


Well-Known Member
Since I am only legal to carry 8 oz on my, every harvest of 2 lbs or more I throw away the extras into the garbage disposal with running water.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Since I am only legal to carry 8 oz on my, every harvest of 2 lbs or more I throw away the extras into the garbage disposal with running water.
what?!?! send it my way haha
you could go head and make some hash with it or even some edibles
if the law came to your place they probably couldnt tell if you had weed cookies
theres so many different things you can make


Just make hash with it or cook it or smoke it trow it away smoke it shoot it up those best things to do with it wutever u do ur going to do one of these methods