What to do with fresh trim


Hey all, just harvested a few small plants, probably got just over an ounce when all is said and done, but I'm not sure what to do with the trim, It's not a crazy amount, about enough to cover a sheet pan, lots of tiny bottom nugs mixed in there as well. What should I do with it? Do i have to dry it before I use it? Thank in advance for your advice!
i dry it out, put it in a black plastic gallon jug till i get it full, then i make dry sift hash out of it, the full jug will usually get me a chunk of good hash about the size of the last joint of my pinky, and about 4 times as much kief to make butter out of.
i use silk screen screen stretched over small picture frames. use 120 screen for the first pass, then 140 to get the good stuff, and whatever won't go through the 140 goes to butter
fot the amount i'm talking about i use half a pound, two of the sticks in the box, just depends on how strong you want it. the buzz is different and last quite a long time, things are very amusing and i get very lazy. i don't recommend it if you have things to do. its great if you want to waste a day

if you want to try with the amount you have i'd start with one stick (1/4 lb) and see what you think of that
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I say if you want something quick then grab a bottle of everclear and make some concentrates with it.
Also make a few sticks of butter.
Make some brownies with that and freeze those badboys for lazy days.
decarb it till its dry as fuck @ 220-240 takes about 20-30 minutes.

pulverize it to a powder with a morter and pestel, coffee grinder, food processor, something to that extent.

filter through a sort of fine kitchen strainer to pull out any last stems

replaces flour (1:1 by volume) in a baking recipe or goes great in a fruit smoothie for added protiens and get you smoothly baked. use about a 1/4 to 1/2 cup per serving.

its called pot flour
I get on average just 3 teaspoons of dried trim from each plant I harvest. Tried making hash - didn't like it. So I've got 4 full quart jars of dried trim, about a pound. The smoke is harsh but the quality is the same as the harvested bud. One good use for ir, I discovered, is to pass out to "friends" stopping by looking for a freebie.

What does it mean to decarb it??

activate the THC with heat


there's a molecule bonded to THC that inhibits it's ability to be psychoactive when consumed. when you smoke it, decarbing isn't an issue because the high temperature breaks them apart without you having to think much about it.

decarbing removes this molecule so you may feel the effects.
same goes for using hash in butter, youll want to decarb it before disolving it into the butter. but if its decarbed as a hash, you can just gently warm the butter and mix in the hash. it's fun once you get the hang of it. this way you can have hash as a baking ingredient in the kitchen. just mix with butter or coconut oil on the fly. like for a single serving without devoting the entire batch to a recipe. i use unsalted butter in my coffee and throw it it the blender for a few seconds. butter is just over processed cream so it makes sense once youv tried it. decarbed hash + butter + coffee + blender= easy body high in the AM
decarb it till its dry as fuck @ 220-240 takes about 20-30 minutes.

pulverize it to a powder with a morter and pestel, coffee grinder, food processor, something to that extent.

filter through a sort of fine kitchen strainer to pull out any last stems

replaces flour (1:1 by volume) in a baking recipe or goes great in a fruit smoothie for added protiens and get you smoothly baked. use about a 1/4 to 1/2 cup per serving.

its called pot flour
What's it tastes like? I did some rosin the other day and the bud smelled so good I couldn't help but nible on it. It tasted good. Couldn't really explain the tast though kinda like a roasted Nutt if that even makes sense?
What's it tastes like? I did some rosin the other day and the bud smelled so good I couldn't help but nible on it. It tasted good. Couldn't really explain the tast though kinda like a roasted Nutt if that even makes sense?
pretty much that, maybe a little more toasted tadting depending on the temperature used. theres a hemp protien sold in stores that is pretty much the same thing but from hemp so 0% thc. it taste ok by itself but needs something to season it, like sugar or peanut butter or whatever your baking recipe is. you can use your rosin buds aftet pressing. just decarb them and grind them to a powder then strain out stems.

for starters, just make a normal fruit smoothie with yogurt or however you like it and add some pot flour. practice baking with it when you have plenty to spare. it's not a perfect match for flour but pretty good. there are some recipes for pot flour cookies, dough balls, that kinda stuff. im making a sour dough loaf this harvest. im making regular sour dough starter with wheat flour but the two cups of dry flour i need to add when turning the starter into dough will be pot flour and maybe a little (T) olive oil and some salt. i just want to see if it will rise. im trying to get off grains for the health benefit of a lowet carb diet. i mean i skinny af already but some studies are sayong carbs cause dimensia over many years or at least enable the possibility. my grandfather recently died of it so i figure making a change wont hurt.
pretty much that, maybe a little more toasted tadting depending on the temperature used. theres a hemp protien sold in stores that is pretty much the same thing but from hemp so 0% thc. it taste ok by itself but needs something to season it, like sugar or peanut butter or whatever your baking recipe is. you can use your rosin buds aftet pressing. just decarb them and grind them to a powder then strain out stems.

for starters, just make a normal fruit smoothie with yogurt or however you like it and add some pot flour. practice baking with it when you have plenty to spare. it's not a perfect match for flour but pretty good. there are some recipes for pot flour cookies, dough balls, that kinda stuff. im making a sour dough loaf this harvest. im making regular sour dough starter with wheat flour but the two cups of dry flour i need to add when turning the starter into dough will be pot flour and maybe a little (T) olive oil and some salt. i just want to see if it will rise. im trying to get off grains for the health benefit of a lowet carb diet. i mean i skinny af already but some studies are sayong carbs cause dimensia over many years or at least enable the possibility. my grandfather recently died of it so i figure making a change wont hurt.
OMG I wanna eat at your house. I think I would have to take cab though lol. I've half ass tried with edibles but was scared to waste my high ass street bud. I made brownies one time that actually worked. Ate it like an hour before a bike ride. That was fun but according to the wife I was very slow lol
OMG I wanna eat at your house. I think I would have to take cab though lol. I've half ass tried with edibles but was scared to waste my high ass street bud. I made brownies one time that actually worked. Ate it like an hour before a bike ride. That was fun but according to the wife I was very slow lol
theyre easy to make when you get the concept of the chemistry behind activating THC for consumption. i personally can get too high pretty easily. i eyeball most of my cooking so i have to be weary. i used to work in food and beverage whichwas a pretty public job. so, I always felt like a total loser when id get real baked on edibles otw to work. so i toned it down to a more medical seeming effect. like a mood enhancement that wasnt some recreational rainbow spewing joy inhibitor. ha that happens sometimes. i relate it to eating really spicey food, where you're fine and dandy but in the back of your mind its like fuck you man, whyd you do that..... ghost peppers....reapers...scorpions....fuck ha