What to do with my life.


Well-Known Member
But just think....Finish med school, become a doctor, and make more in 10 years than most people do in 50.

Live cheaply, pay off your loans, do some investing and retire from medicine after 10-15 years. You will still be young enough to enjoy your life and do whatever the hell you want to without having to worry about a bunch of financial crap.

And the people that say they don't care about money are the ones who worry the most about it.



Well-Known Member
But just think....Finish med school, become a doctor, and make more in 10 years than most people do in 50.

Live cheaply, pay off your loans, do some investing and retire from medicine after 10-15 years. You will still be young enough to enjoy your life and do whatever the hell you want to without having to worry about a bunch of financial crap.

And the people that say they don't care about money are the ones who worry the most about it.

wow...nice +rep for this post here
he just gave u a perfect life plan regardless what u really want


Well-Known Member
no not really..when you first get into medicine your not going to be making alot of money..and retiering in 10-15 years off of 200k a year? common now thats not very realistic, unless you put your money into some crazy investment..think about it..lets say he starts his carrer at 27 and in 15 years he'll be 42..hes got 30-50 more years to live..that takes alot of money to retire on


Well-Known Member
If you can live off of 50K (a decent teachers salary) a year you can do it. Put 100-150K away every year for 10 years, what do you get 1-1.5 million, it only takes a savings account interest rate (approx. 3%) during that time to end up with enough money to make 50K/yr just off of interest.


Well-Known Member
Go back and be a teacher, and now you are making 6 figures a year, doing what you love, and not having to kiss anybody's ass so you can make your mortgage.



Well-Known Member
In my experience of being a student, the BEST teachers I had were the best educated and/or rich ones.

Mr Desousa. Indian immigrant. Brilliant man. He could teach calculus to a gerbil. I FAILED first semester of his class and still got a 5 on the calculus AB test at age 16. His son is a multimillionaire several times over. Buys his dad a brand new car every 2 years. (Mr. DS presently chooses between a 750Li and a Mustang GT)

Mr Wright. Brilliant economist. If he's not rich in 10 years I'll kick his ass. I talked investments with him during lunch and after econ help sessions. I made several hundred dollars in under a year off a $2k investment through our sessions.

Mr. Thompson- taught me a lot about life. married a successful lawyer. has no money worries.

If you know you can live a comfortable life doing what you love you will be happy. Take some economics classes. READ RICH DAD POOR DAD. I have. 5 times. I LOVE that book. INVEST INVEST INVEST. Teach. Smoke. Marry. Be happy.


Active Member
Take from a old paramedic, if you want to work 100 hrs a week go through 3 marriages, make 250,000 a year and up get sued three or four times a year for bullshit mostly, have your cell phone ring at all hours of the night. get caught writing scrips for your girlfriends and having to put up with dumb ass people be a doctor . teacher 60,000 to 80,000 year summers off . Get your PHD teach at University of Florida in Gainesville .FL make 150,000 to 250,000 a year after tenure summers off! grads students to do most the work. have numerous affairs with tan under sexed college babes . screw it be be a bum like me !!!!! LOL


Active Member
yes lol. Teachers might not get payed much but you work A LOT LESS. Apart from grading papers you just work the school day.. and have so many holidays its ridiculous. I was tempted to be a teacher but realized i was just bsing myself; theres no way in hell I would have the patience to teach kids..
Im kinda in the same situation; I will be learning horticulture (haven't chosen which field) at a community college. Mainly because I know I enjoy working with plants, It's relaxing and puts my mind at ease :). I am a rather anxious person that has had a hard enough life already so im looking for something "mentaly healthy" for me ^_^.

Hey im new

Active Member
Im kind of in the same position, a decision between med school or something else. Personally, im going to go with med school for the same reasons as you. If you want a more relaxed atmosphere though, go into pharmacy or be an anesthesiologist (thats what i am doing)


Well-Known Member
i think you answered your own question!! you want to teach!! i would get into the forensic sceinces, big bucks!!!


Well-Known Member
why dont you stay pre-med finish up all your schooling then take a course to teach other med students? Get your medical degree save up all the money you can then open a small private practice so you can help people and teach on the side then you get the best of both worlds

your private practice would give you the money and prestige you need and the teaching would give you the rewards you are looking for


Active Member
be an anesthesiologist (thats what i am doing)[/quote said:
hahaha that's my plan as well...I just think that I dont want to start my life so late in life. Being anesthesiologist is a 3-4 year residency depending on the location.

Being a junior will give me 2 more years because the semester just started...I am starting my junior year so that brings at least 6 years of school more followed by 3-4 more years for residency...At best I am 29 before I start making enough money to have a family. I dont wanna try and support a wife and child when I am in residency... they dont make shit then.

I also like the idea of having a normal life, and by normal I mean being able to come home every night to see my family, and be active with them. I like the idea of being hockey/football/baseball etc. coatch, but I hate the idea of having to worry about money. I think if I got my Masters/ Doctorate while teaching if would then allow the lifestyle I'd prefer ($80k).

I want to say thanks so much to everyone who commented. There was much more love than I expected. We, and by we I mean my amazing dog cody and I, offer this here toke to all those who are able to say "I don't know what I want to be yet".



Well-Known Member
I still have to say that no matter what you do with your life, pick up a copy of rich dad poor dad. It teaches you how to manage your finances for a part time job like me or a multimillionaire like the author