What to do with my retarded dwarfy plant?


Active Member
Hi this is my first time growin and i started off with four plants i think they are AK47 or SK #1. i fed my plants nutes to start with but one plant died. all three remaining have been re planted and seem to be doin fine, except for the retarded midget plant. can anyone help i post pictures so if anyone can advise me of what is wrong i beleive it is a nitrogen deficiency but i could do with a second opinion. cheers



Well-Known Member
you probably overnuted them to begin with and the plant is suffering because of it. Try just giving them water for a week or so and see if that guy perks up. I'd wait a couple more nodes before feeding them, and then doing so at lowered strength.


Active Member
COOOOOOL. I fed it a little tiny bit today just nitrogen proper weak to see how that goes. its had a week to cool off. funnily enough it was the plant least affected by the nute burn. ill try that i got two new bulbs aswell to try and help this one plant out, kinda like an intensive care unit hahaah.


Well-Known Member
if your plants are stunted i would say your roots are not growing properly is the soil light enough are you overwatering them


Active Member
To be honest the soil is fine the other two are growing nice and healthy. its just that one. i did over water em abit to start with but since readin bout nutrients and water i have since transplanted them into lightly water soil ph 6.5 and now i only water when the soil is proper dry. As for what to refer to. I wouldnt call them girls until i know if they are. How would you like to be called a girl because people cant tell if your male or female. Guys is fine..........