What to do with this tall asshole


Active Member
Hey guys, so this is my first grow and I think I vegged a little too long for my enclosure.
My C99 hit a growth spurt and I would like some opinions on what to do....

As you can see from the picture, It's close to 16 inches from the light, while my other plant, an aurora indica, is still at the recommended 20 inches. As you can also see, I don't have a whole lot more room to move the light up. I can remove those smaller caribiners, which might give me 1-1.5 inches, but I'm fucked for room otherwise.... I have tried pinching the main trunk several times but it grew so tall and so thin so quickly that i'm afraid of snapping it. Any recommendations!?

Some more pics of the setup:
20140509_185839.jpg 20140511_103908.jpg


Global Moderator
Staff member
I routinely use heavy copper ground wire bent into hooks to slow the vertical misfits.
You can leave them on for 3 or 4 days & then take them off.
Just my .02 bro.


Well-Known Member
I would be more concerned about the hot-shot no pest strip^^^ than your stretch ATM........or are you growing these girls for ornamental purposes only?:wink:

A little LST will get them back down/even..... and wont stress them too much this late into flower


Active Member
I really have no idea how to answer any of your questions being a first time grower.
@GreatwhiteNorth what do you mean "hooks"? like essentially just adding weight to the plant? Do you have a visual example?

@Chronikool I don't know how to tell if it's finished the stretch. No signs of bleaching. In week 4 of flower.

@PSUAGRO. Not sure what you mean about the ornamental statement. A no-pest strip seems to be used among lots of growers, and seeing as tho I had gnats crawling on the walls of the inside of my tent seemingly unaffected by the strip when it was up in the corner, I moved it closer to the plants. There's tons of air flow in there so I figure it shouldn't cause any problems to the plants. And no clue what LST is either....
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Well-Known Member
i wouldn't worry about the light being closer. My A51 has never bleached anything out and I have had the lights closer than rec when my plants aren't all even heights.


Well-Known Member
What is your light? Watts/HPS/MH what ? And why are they 20" away?

Your plants are stretching to reach light... so, IMO, light is too far away....

I know this will scare you cause you are a first timer....

You are four weeks into flower?
Say what?
No signs of bleaching. In week 4 of flower.
You are 4 weeks into flower?

Your plants are done stretching... measure exactly... check top...today...
measure tomorrow...
Next day....
Guess what... they stopped getting taller.... didn't they?


Active Member
I am kind of confused by the label on my cal-mag supplement. What is the typically recommended tsp/gal RO water recommended for weeks 4+ of flowering? I have been doing 1 tsp for every gallon every water. Just a side question....

By the way, I'll take the strip out just in case, but I think there might be some confusion about the toxicity of the hot shot strip. It's toxic to be constantly inhaled (like if you were to keep it in your bedroom), but my tent is in the garage, and I hadn't heard anyone say / read any evidence that the strip has any effect on the flowers. But this is all beside the point I guess....


Active Member
im by no means a pro but with the calmag id just continue with the 1tsp until you see signs that it may need more.
