What to do with waste??


So I’m in the UK so keeping everything quite is high in my list.
I’m wondering how people dispose of all the waste cuttings from pruning through the late veg/flower stage and then also after harvest etc?
I know some will have more smell that others.
I know there’s ways to get resin from various parts, but for the minute I’m just aiming for the buds.
cheers all


Well-Known Member
So I’m in the UK so keeping everything quite is high in my list.
I’m wondering how people dispose of all the waste cuttings from pruning through the late veg/flower stage and then also after harvest etc?
I know some will have more smell that others.
I know there’s ways to get resin from various parts, but for the minute I’m just aiming for the buds.
cheers all
If you arent saving trimmings for things like dry sift bubble hash..then compost them.


Well-Known Member
Not if you have a bin or something you are covering and throw food scraps there too. Alternatively you could start earthworm bins and let the worms get rid of your evidence.


Well-Known Member
Where I live we have weekly trash pickup service that also includes yard waste. Being paranoid about discovery I instead buried in my yard all waste from my grow. Not that the trash guys are going through your yard trash I still felt more comfortable disposing of it in a way that doesn’t potentially expose the fact that I grow.


New Member
You can also make some knf inputs with the leftover plant parts. FPJ, or fermented plant juice can be made with almost any plant life. And apparently, plants are kinda cannibalistic. By that, I mean plants generally like to eat use their own droppings for nutrients. The way I understand it, take an apple tree...did the apple tree make apples for us to eat, or so they can drop on the ground and turn into food for the apple tree itself? I'm still new to all this so I can't say I'm using first hand experience but I've read and listen to alot of stuff on the subject of natural/organic farming. I've seen the cannabis leaves used for FPJ, but I'm sure the stalks have some nutrition left in them. All of the clipping and stalks would most likely need to be freshly picked our cut.
I also just take my clipping and dry them in my dehydrator or oven on the lowest setting. Once they're nice and dry (which happens quickly) I crumble them into almost a powder and top dress in into my soil from time to time. I'm planning to order some composting worms asap and just adding them to that. You should be able to bury the leaves (and other kitchen scraps) under some compost or soil to keep the smell to a minimum. I'm pretty sure you could get a shallow (like 5-8" deep) and just keep it on the bottom of your grow tent. May have to watch for bugs a little more like this but I'm personally gonna try in my veg tent since im very limited on space elsewhere.
Oh and if you're into juicing, fresh cannabis leave are very nutritious. Throw them in a juicer or a blender to make a smoothie and enjoy!
Sorry I really dont know what I'm going to be doing with my stalks. I live in a big city so I can just go throw them in the woods like I could where I grew up. If I still lived in upstate Michigan I would just bring my stalks to a buddy's place and use a mulcher and throw the mulch on top of my pots or around the garnden. Or even just use it as kindling wood for a camp fire. But, living in a city now I think my only option is to bag it up and toss it on the sidewalk for the garbage men to take. I'm still searching for something productive to use the stalks for first tho. I just hate to waste them or anything lol


Well-Known Member
How much you got?...sounds bad but I've put in a blender turn it to a liquid and flush it...but thats when I lived where weed was a huge no no ..throw it in the freezer to kill the smell and throw it out on garbage day


Well-Known Member
How much you got?...sounds bad but I've put in a blender turn it to a liquid and flush it...but thats when I lived where weed was a huge no no ..throw it in the freezer to kill the smell and throw it out on garbage day
Ime once you cut it and it starts to dry, it just smells like grass anyways.


Well-Known Member
All the stems, fan leaves. Everything I can't use. I throw in the back yard and I mow it over until it's a fine mulch. Male plants, and other undesirable plants. They get the mower too. Once it's chopped up. It all smells like fresh cut grass.