what to do?


Well-Known Member
so here's the deal. my parents found my plant growing in my closet. they don't really care that I'm growing or just flat out anything with pot (mi madre smokes too), they just don't want to get arrested if word gets around or something. they're telling me that I have to get rid of it, or they will.

so you see, I'm not too sure what I can do here now. I was going to move it to another closet, but I don't have the time as of this moment. Because of the circumstances as of now, I can't do it tonight. I was thinking though, could I just stick it in the woods for a day or two and THEN move it to the afore mentioned closet without my plant getting all bugged out. I mean, it's already been in sunlight for some tiime, and now it's been under fluorescent for a couple weeks, and now I'm thinking about moving it to sunlight once more!! Even if it is for a day or two, I don't know how the plant might react to that. Any suggestions? If you do, I need them now or else lil' Hohner is gonna be a gonner ='[

those are pictures of it a of today down there \/\/\/\/



Well-Known Member
No offense or anything but maybe you should try growing when your not living with your parents.
well yeah, but I kinda have no choice since I'm not old enough to buy/own my own house. I'm not gonna get rid of it now either, I feel as if I've gone too far to just rip it out of the ground and throw it out. But nvm this whole thread anyway, I got it all under control.


Well-Known Member
at least it was your parents that found out and not someone else, if they smoke then you can keep the secret between you 3 and share the experiance of growing with the whole family


Well-Known Member
at least it was your parents that found out and not someone else, if they smoke then you can keep the secret between you 3 and share the experiance of growing with the whole family
lol yeah. well it's really my mom that just smokes because my dad whitied and quit after that. in fact, I just caught my mom with a couple of her friends getting ready to smoke...not sure what it was out of though...but that's not the point.

my parents are pretty amazed though at how big it has gotten so far. they kinda compliment me on it and all(they obviously haven't tried growing, my dad for instince thought it was pretty ingenious of me to set up a timer haha), but as I said, they don't want to go to jail for me having it, and me getting sent away to a foster home. or something like that...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
JUst a friendly little note hoppus....some of your posts may lead folks to believe you're not 18.Everyone knows you have to be 18 to be on this site.I'm sure you know that.Perhaps you should do a little editing.After all, you wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression.:peace:


Well-Known Member
all you need is trust and if you cant trust family to keep a secret then you cant trust noone


New Member
I recommend doing as your parent's wish

It is there house and there rules...sucks but weve all been there!

Yes i agree you do sound like your under age, maybe i just got the wrong impression?


Well-Known Member
aww come on stoney ill be honest i wasent 18 when i joined this forum yet you people belived in me and now i acutally have 4 that didnt get killed going and thriving they are in their preflower, this force is strong in this one leave him be

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's why I'm telling him to edit.He seems very nice.I want to be mistaken in my assumption that he's underage.
aww come on stoney ill be honest i wasent 18 when i joined this forum yet you people belived in me and now i acutally have 4 that didnt get killed going and thriving they are in their preflower, this force is strong in this one leave him be


Well-Known Member
and on another note, you should put a clearer picture of yourself for you avatar DONT HIDE FROM US STONEY!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, I wanted it to be all cartoony and fucked looking, cause I don't wanna get recognized!..Oh...hoppus, I'm not trying to be mean to you, either.Just helping you out.I'm not a mod or anything.
and on another note, you should put a clearer picture of yourself for you avatar DONT HIDE FROM US STONEY!


Well-Known Member
I know that my posts can kinda lead people to believe that I'm under 18. I know that rule, I caught onto that really fast. I try not to really say my age really, but I can still be 18 and live with my parents. I still try not to blurt out my age though. but just to clear things up, I'm old enough to be on this site and not get booted, but I felt like I kinda had to blurt out my circumstances in those last posts there.

and as for following the rules of my parents wanting me to get rid of my plant...well I kinda compare this as to getting really good tickets to a concert or something I want to see....BADLY, and then my parents saying "fuck you, you're not going!!". what am I to do? just toss out these tickets I saved up so much money for? give them away? no, I had my heart set on seeing this show, I'm going no matter what I have to do!!

I didn't mean to sound like "yeeah I'm badass I can do whatever i want! REBEL!!!", just trying to make a point. you could say though, that there will be many more chances to do this, but I just don't want to wait you see? I know that's bad thinking, but I just don't have the patience to wait and do this all over again. the first time I tried growing, someone fucked it up, and it sucked. I don't want the same thing happening twice is all.

I'll accept any comments telling me how I'm just young and stupid because I kinda expect it.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
No, I wanted it to be all cartoony and fucked looking, cause I don't wanna get recognized!..Oh...hoppus, I'm not trying to be mean to you, either.Just helping you out.I'm not a mod or anything.
I know, and I appreciate it as well. I'll try to be more careful with my wording because I know the consequences.


New Member
I know that my posts can kinda lead people to believe that I'm under 18. I know that rule, I caught onto that really fast. I try not to really say my age really, but I can still be 18 and live with my parents. I still try not to blurt out my age though. but just to clear things up, I'm old enough to be on this site and not get booted, but I felt like I kinda had to blurt out my circumstances in those last posts there.

and as for following the rules of my parents wanting me to get rid of my plant...well I kinda compare this as to getting really good tickets to a concert or something I want to see....BADLY, and then my parents saying "fuck you, you're not going!!". what am I to do? just toss out these tickets I saved up so much money for? give them away? no, I had my heart set on seeing this show, I'm going no matter what I have to do!!

I didn't mean to sound like "yeeah I'm badass I can do whatever i want! REBEL!!!", just trying to make a point. you could say though, that there will be many more chances to do this, but I just don't want to wait you see? I know that's bad thinking, but I just don't have the patience to wait and do this all over again. the first time I tried growing, someone fucked it up, and it sucked. I don't want the same thing happening twice is all.

I'll accept any comments telling me how I'm just young and stupid because I kinda expect it.
Hope that work's out for you...good luck. :blsmoke: