What to fix and how to change....?


Well-Known Member
I have a sand and soil medium with 100w cfl bulb equiv in each dome. The foil will be changed out for white paper untill I get more dinero:wall:..Im adding ferts after the plants grow a little dont want to chance burning them and they are in a 18 gallon tub..
So what should I change??? The big thing Im worried about is the dome and the light bulbs when they sprout ima turn the fan on



Well-Known Member
Three gallon is minimal. The plants won't get full sized, but they will do nicely. Five gallon pots is probably optimal. Make sure you use a good premium soil.


Well-Known Member
thats not bad ima get some five gallon buckets they only a dollar..Is the CFL lights good enough, one for each plant when I transplant them. And im using miracle grow organic soil


Well-Known Member
You'll want to do a search on cfl grows to get more insight, there's lots of them. Personally, I use cmh bulbs in conjunction with cfls. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Most recentwedd.jpgUPDATE:Before some died, or got severly burned wedd3.jpgwedd2.jpg Im still trying to get the positioning right..This is my biggest plant out the bunch..:weed:
SN: I got the lights closer in the first pic

john pickle

Active Member
3 gallons minimal lol

sure.... if youre growing under the fucking sun... or a 600+w HID...

If your plants are only going to be 2-3 foot tall, you can use a 6-8'' pot just fine

the only thing i dont see in your photos is airflow, but if you have a fan providing air exchange then youre fine until you get the $ to upgrade your setup.

Dont smother them.