What to get from the ocean.


Well-Known Member
We are off to Vancouver Island for a visit and I was wondering what kind of plant life I should look for to bring back and use in my living soil mixture. I read somewhere to get a certain color seaweed?
Bull Kelp is good, anything is good really as long as its not infested with sea lice or rotting.
Finding a bi-valve patch that is old is good also if you can track down a harsh beach where the shells have been smashed to powder.
A bit of nice sands are great to add for all kinds of benefits including silica.
Clean ocean water can be evaporated and the residual salts/etc can be used as well.

If your hardcore on the ROLS, just use your imagination when your down at certain places. If it feels good, do it. The ocean has a lot to give.
Thanks Morbid Angel. How do I use the bull kelp, and how much of it is useable? When you say bi-valves you are referring to clams and mussels and such, and what do I do when we find a patch? Gonna also gets some stinging nettle as there is a ton of it everywhere there!!
I hope your not flying back to where ever your from @kkt3 .

The bull kelp and other kelps you can dry them out and crush, etc but they are pretty big. You can just cut them up, throw em in a blender and toss in with your soil. Let it cook (break down) for awhile etc and use it when its your next go.

Honestly, if you live here its easier.... I wouldnt bother taking kelp and other large things back with you. You can buy kelp and other sea goodies ready to use at your local hydro store or on line. I'd go that route. Consider just taking easy things like sands, soils, and shells etc. Way easier and less hassle Plus no worries of stinking up the car on the way home or getting in shit at the airport.

If your from the states, I wouldnt even try taking anything home.

Its been awhile since I was into soils, when you dont use it you start to loose it, I wish I had more helpful information but there should be a tonne of info about this online to investigate what you'd want to look for and take back.
We have lots and lots of freshwater plant species where I live in Kentucky, but I can't find anything positive about freshwater plants vs ocean kelp.
No borders to cross, just the ferries. I do have Gaia Greens kelp meal so I guess no need to find any. What do I do with the bi-valve shells when I get them back home?
look online about shell. Oyster shell is great but super hard to pulverize. Mussels and crab are easiest.

What you can do is break them up as much as you can and throw them into a real hot fire with a well established coal bed. Fire will help to break them down. Ultimately if you where going to VI during the warmer months, a beach fire using drift wood would be best for this right at the beach, then you could also use a bit of the char/ash from the drift wood as well but I hear its pretty rainy out there right now.

You can also buy powdered oyster shell @ the hydro store.
Yeah man, I was pulverizing oyster shell with a heavy duty coffee grinder and going through one every few months from burning up the motor, then one day a fella on here, Greasemonkey I believe, suggested I just use oyster flour lmao! What's this roll of white leaves for wiping your ass you speak of?? Lol