Seeing a lot of people saying 20 an hour is ridiculous pay... I don't know... for trustworthy help it seems pretty reasonable, if not on the low end. In a very rural area, ok, 20 dollars goes a bit further in small town Iowa than it does in San Francisco.
In my area, 30k a year (15 dollars an hour, full time) is enough to pay rent on a shitty apartment, eat shitty food, drive a shitty car, rarely go out, smoke dirt weed, and never see a dentist/doctor, no health insurance.... Have a medical emergency of some sort and you are fucked. Lose your job and you are on the street by the end of the month.... I know because I lived on those wages for several years.... You know what the hardest part of living out of your car is....? Keeping your feet clean. Haha.