what to use for bug prevention outdoor? the kind that eat your girls


Hey all, I put out some babies last year that got devoured over the course of 2 or 3 days. They weren't slugs, and I'm thinking they were probably hoppers of sorts. Anyway, wondering what y'all recommend if a person doesn't want to tend to them too often


Well-Known Member
I don't do gorilla growing, but my backyard is like a field. I get a lot of cats, mice and gophers. When I winter sow outside, I have to put up chicken wire around the plants or they'll get eaten. For the bugs Diatomaceous Earth works good. I like to get a cup worth and mix it into the top layer of soil. I also own a garden powder applicator. It looks like a giant turkey baster. First I water the plants, then spray a really light mist over the plants.

It's organic, but I wouldn't use it if you plan on introducing lady bugs or other insects into your garden.