What to use - grow or bloom??


Plant's about 14 wks old, grown outdoors with about 7-8 hrs light. I've only used FoxFarms happy frog dry organic fertilizer, but there are yellowing leaves and showing some slow growth so I think I might use a liquid fert. I have some General organics GROW that I was thinking of using, but it looks like it's starting to flower (see pics) so Im not sure. I also have some foxfarms big bloom that I havent used but was considering using. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
Lower leaves yellowing like that means your plant needs more nitrogen. Grow nutes are needed regardless of what stage your plant is at. Read the plant and feed appropriately.


New Member
I believe your better off using grow through the whole cycle, once I started most ofmy problems late in flower dissapeared. For the pennies extra its worth it IMO

Good luck