What type of ballast do you use


Well-Known Member
lumatek used to be very good ballasts back in the day . but have rf radio interfe . used to have to walk down the street 10 houses to use the phone ! lmao people that live near me could never figure why there shit did not work between so and so times . today lumatk makes a ballast called cali its a total piece of shit every one bought gets returned to the hydro stores . lumatek the old blue model with the big fins solid unit but rf noise . i used to ask the people hey your phone working ? mines not lmao . finally had to upgrade . i run a few more then 1 ballast at once so it got bad .
very worst ballast ever owned . nanolux i think how its spelled . the fans get loud or stop burn the shit up . and only last 1 year some times would not even turn on the bulb and sometimes turned on and off over and over after 10 minute interviews herm your plants for sure . used to own a few of those lovely units rebuilt the fans and sold them all on craigs list .
Have you ever actually grown with either of these brands? I doubt it because you sound like a new grower. You don't gotta lie to kick it man

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I doubt it's comparable to a 1000 HID if looking at the total light spread over a 5x5 area but yes I've seen some great smaller grows from these. And truthfully I know shit about any other lighting then my T5's and HID, just a skeptic at heart bryon :). And hey ...... Merry Christmas everyone :).

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Also not sure if it's still relevant but epistar LED's had a tendency to fade and turn different colours after 1000 hrs due to cheap materials.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
I have about 6 or so months on 1 light its still rocking . meizhi 1200 I bought a few more I am liking them a lot . I guess im the only china led guy I cant justify spending 1200 or 1600 on a light like kind led I know people that used them and don't like them as well .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
after 2 years of a 12/12 its lost about 20 % of its brightness the epistar mean wile you just spent 240 or more on hps bulbs actually I change them 3 months so that's 480 for 1 light to keep max par out up ok so I could resell the led for 150 and buy a new one in 2 years


Well-Known Member
after 2 years of a 12/12 its lost about 20 % of its brightness the epistar mean wile you just spent 240 or more on hps bulbs actually I change them 3 months so that's 480 for 1 light to keep max par out up ok so I could resell the led for 150 and buy a new one in 2 years
HPS bulbs are more efficient than epistar diodes, they are literally the worst thing to use to grow with besides CFL's, they produce a ton of heat too, they are really old technology. Not to mention that "1200" watt light only draws 600 watts.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
after 2 years of a 12/12 its lost about 20 % of its brightness the epistar mean wile you just spent 240 or more on hps bulbs actually I change them 3 months so that's 480 for 1 light to keep max par out up ok so I could resell the led for 150 and buy a new one in 2 years
Last 1000 I bought was $45 from wholesaler but again I know shit about lighting, seems neither do my plants lol. I would imagine if I grew more than 6 plants in flower at one time I might dwelve into it more :).


Active Member
I heard good things about "phantom" ballast, but where I live, back in the days, was quite hard to find one. :( wanna check that one out as well, I think. and im wondering what people here think about it...

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
anonymous what ever you order some people will hate it others will love it . just like the cheap ass led I use and highly suggest . you wont go wrong with what you ordered it has some serious potential can do some serious yields . 1 grow and you may be all set for the entire year unless you have a girl and her friends stealing all your hard work . all up in smoke ! but there is nothing like having a dress or 2 on the floor to decorate it in the morning half your age girls lol . fare trade .


Well-Known Member
Lmfao ya you right
anonymous what ever you order some people will hate it others will love it . just like the cheap ass led I use and highly suggest . you wont go wrong with what you ordered it has some serious potential can do some serious yields . 1 grow and you may be all set for the entire year unless you have a girl and her friends stealing all your hard work . all up in smoke ! but there is nothing like having a dress or 2 on the floor to decorate it in the morning half your age girls lol . fare trade .

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
Dam wish u could share lol
once your up and running get the word out they will come running . the trick is . let your woman know you have other girl friends so if one is over and 1 other shows up to surprise you its cool they can just come in and hang out no fights no drama they can share there bong and your pipe !