What type of ballast is this?


Well-Known Member
What type of ballast is this? It has a socket of standard size so I can rule out hps. My friend was leaving state and just dropped off all his grow equipment for me to use with out telling me what this one was. It only has a 2 prong plug-in which seems kind of weak for anything drawing to much juice. So any input as to the bulb or wattage would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It looks like a hood/reflector for a high wattage Fluorescent.

Wear safety goggles and have a fire extinguisher handy if you start plugging HPS/MH bulbs into that.


Well-Known Member
Does it have any info written or stamped on or in it? It does look like a Compact Fluorescent Grow Light Fixture.


Well-Known Member
looks like a cfl hood cant be a hps or mh they would be grounded lets get real people

Yeah lets get real.....really baked and explore all the possibilities....all of them.


Well-Known Member
"lets get real people"

In addition to the Safety Goggles and Fire Extinguisher add a Sledge Hammer just in case the flames move into the wall wiring. And get a set of those "Ove Gloves". Maybe an umbrella too. Sparks burn.


Well-Known Member
I think we have it narrowed down to compact fluorescent at this point correct? What would be the point in the transformer…? I thought that would just be a standard socket for a simple florescent? If it is a special florescent how many watts and where do I find them?

There is nothing what so ever stamped on it I might add. I am using 6 -20w tubes at the moment for veg and it’s worked great in the past but I would like a little more than that for flower. I have my HPS on other plants at the moment and this as a second setup.


Well-Known Member
I am afraid that if there is nothing stamped on your reflector/ballast, you are going to have a really hard time figuring out what is what...I would suggest you start over, and get the equipment that you really want to have... If you like fluorescent tubes, check out the t5's, they really do well for Veg. and just use your HPS for flowering...GL and keep it real!


Well-Known Member
You know what would be even worse.... Plug it and no explosion... it illuminates any bulb perfectly. Then you have to lay in bed all night waiting.... LOL

Can't you ask your friend?


Well-Known Member
Haha! thats cute!

Nooo, Lacy, you are the cute one! Kiss Kiss
Ps. Please don't have your husband bust me up!


Well-Known Member
you could always take it apart looka t all the parts find out what they are on the net and see what they would be used for.


Ok first off, i don't care what kind of light it is, you need to put a new grounded cord on it, and ground the hood and ballast enclosure.....now if you open the thing up and show me what's inside i'll tell you what it is.......


Well-Known Member
It has about 6 pop rivets holding it together so I am reluctant to start taking it apart as it doesn’t belong to me. I will just pick up an MH ballast on ebay. This thing just doesn’t look safe and I don’t wana risk it.