What type of plant does this look like to you?


Well-Known Member
do you know what type of plant this is???

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Well-Known Member
no :confused:shit,, what species?

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Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
theres no way to tell at that age.. thats why I said Marijuana because I can tell you 100% it is that but other than that theres no way to tell and even really when your completely in flowering theres no way to be 100% due to the fact theres currently a few thousand different strains I think and people are breeding and making new ones daily=)


Well-Known Member
I think you may be over analyzing your plant. It looks fine - green and symmetrical.

every plant grows differently and at a different pace.


Well-Known Member
its all about genetics 2, you could have some weird genetic gene for 4 leaf points, mine is the same, look at my thread im gonna post pics tomorrow, one leaf opposite of the other has 8 leaves, and the other has 9, its all about genes.


Active Member
I don't know about genes, but there's something up with it. Our plants oscillate between odd and even-numbered (but freakishly small last one, like yours) blades. It's random, healthy, and perfectly ok.