What type of plant


Active Member
ok guys and gals, these plants r from some swagg weed, i tried my hand at them before my good seeds arrived, could someone tell me if it is a sativa of indica, they will be 4wks old tomorrow, also i have 13 plants in my closet(I know a lot) but I have a 400hps and 2 75 watt grow lights 2 fans in the closet one blowin in and the other blowin out, also have a fan next to window in bedroom blowing plus a humidifier in the closet. my ph is very good i check all plants, they are beginning to smell (I like that) pls tell me if the plants are toi small and if possible what type of plant.:roll:



Well-Known Member
i think indica maybe nto very sure, probly mixtures as most weed are, loookin good except slight over water bu they dont look bad at all very nice and if there 4 weeks they may be ready for the flower time?


Active Member
yeah, mine looks very similar to yours and it was said to be a 50/50 and generally that's what most bagseed is. its hard to find a pure plant, especially if you said that it was schwagg. genetics are a huge part of the process but just take good care of them. lookin good.