what typof mollases should i get im new to mollases thing

the russian man

Active Member
the title says it all right now im looking online at tractor supply and they have mollases but for horses? i wonder if it can be used to help my plant to create more crystals but IDK anything about molasses like wat it looks like wat type i need for my plant and how much is needed


Well-Known Member
Where I live the supermarkets carry both regular molasses, and black strap, just make sure its un-sulphered. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I fed Molasses for the first time today I used 2 bottles of the blackstrap on 24 plants and Mixed it into my water as I was filling up my 5 gallon buckets of nute water.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys use molasses outside? I feel like it might attract bugs and/or pests.


Well-Known Member
I did.. I imagine so does everyone else as.. this .. is the Outdoor grow section of the forum. I bought ant bait stations I plan to put next to every single one of my plants.


Just start off with a tsp per gallon and then increase as you go .I start off with a tsp in the 5th week of veg and finish with about 3tbls. per gallon and the final flush.I use every other watering some use every feed but my buds come out tasting and smelling great like grape.I've used it in my last 5 grows and always been satisfied.


Well-Known Member
hmmm maybe ill ggive it a rip or something. guess it cant hurt. will it change ph or anythin or can i just add to what im doing now and leave it?

the russian man

Active Member
mix 2 tvs in a cup of hot water andmix it into a gallon of water thats how i do it but i think iwill do it once a week im using grandmas unsulfurred molasses its 2.89$ at publix lol im on my 3rd week of flowering