What up to all who fight the good fight


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am a new grower and could definitly use a hand from someone knowledgable to help me learn the ways of Ganja Growing, this is the coolest shit to take up my spare time. Send a shout if you like to help! Thanks my fellow stoners!:weed::weed:
one good thing about this site is that everyone had to start where you are now, at the beginning. We as a site community are helpful and full of information.

Welcome to the site!!

ps. the scales on the top right that are in between the #1 and orange triangle is for giving +rep, adding to someones reputation. If someone helps you oout, help them out with a +rep.


Well-Known Member
one good thing about this site is that everyone had to start where you are now, at the beginning. We as a site community are helpful and full of information.

Welcome to the site!!

ps. the scales on the top right that are in between the #1 and orange triangle is for giving +rep, adding to someones reputation. If someone helps you oout, help them out with a +rep.
Almost sounds like you're desperate for rep! haha.

Anyway, yeah, welcome! Before you ask any questions though look through the forum. Everything you need is on here, you just need to look around. I suggest doing a lot of reading before you actually start growing, will help a butt load in the end.

Peace :hug:


Elite Rolling Society
Welcome to RollItUp,
hope you stick around.
If you need help, ask a BubbleHead.