What Was Your First Strain...?


Active Member
What was the first strain you ever grew? Success or Failure??
What do you guys think would be some good strains for beginner growers? Taking into account forgiveness from the plant :)

I am currently waiting on a 5 pack of Nirvana Northern Lights as my first strain as I heard it is an easy grow, decent yield and quite forgiving...


First strain i grew was trainwreck x bubba kush, i was growing 4 of them in home depot orange buckets with soil under a 400 watt, my first mistake was that i planted them in too big of pots and they were growing like crazy in my small tent and my second mistake was not learning when to harvest and how to cure. i thought my buds were pretty good for my first grow but i didnt know how to cure and put them in the jar too early and got mold, it fucking sucked. Growing wasnt the hardest part, soil is forgiving and it wasnt hard to figure our the nutrients and how much per week. The one thing i thought that helped me out was reading the Cannabis Grow Bible, you get a good understanding on how a grow system should work and also knowing a few growers doesnt hurt.

If your looking to grow, look thru the forum and find people with a setup like yours and see what they did


Well-Known Member
Any "name" indica would be a good choice for a beginner. These are usually pretty forgiving, low-stretch, and have quicker flowering times, limiting chances for errors. I can't speak to the quality of Nirvana's version of same, but Northern lights is a good one.

I don't even know the name of my first strain, since I was gifted what was effectively an entire ceed collection by a smoker friend. He was like. . .oh. . .you want to grow. . .take these. Inside the film cannister (yeah. . .I'm dating myself) was all the ceeds he had pulled out of weed smoked by him and a collection of his smoking buddies over the previous two years.

Retrospectively, I *think* the stash had Mexican schwagg, Skunk, some other commercial strains including indicas, and some pure sativas (that went hermie and into the trash). A lot of them didn't pop, but of the ones that did, there were a few real gems. This was before there was really an internet growing community, and boy did I learn about stretching during flowering the hard way!

First "name" strain I grew was Northern lights.

My friend (who was a big stoner) spent a pretty penny to get a bubblegum ceed imported from Europe in the mid-1990s right after that strain won the HT cannabis cup and was at the peak of its popularity. . .gave it to me to grow for him. . .ceed didn't germinate!


Active Member
The grow bible by Jorge Cervantes? Is that the one you are talking about? I have got that and am currently on my way through it. Im looking forward to my first indoor grow. I grew 2 outdoor plants a couple years but but the quality was low. Im going to see how I go with NL's and then move onto better strains. Im using my first grow as trial and error. Even though a nice yield and quality buds would be a nice outcome I am not really worried about that. More so just how the plant grows and to learn a bit about it.

Keep them coming...Share your first time growing experiences!


Well-Known Member
I grew Strawberry Cough. I bought 6 clones from a guy and they all hermied 28 days into flowering. I was so pissed and desperate for something to harvest, that I started hawkeying the plants twice a day with a 30x maagnifier and pulling all nanners and checking up and down each branch for yellow ruptured sacks. (I even had yellow pollen dust on my fingertips)
I learned alot about cold nightime temps, light leaks, and plant stretch.
I still ended up with usable smoke and got about 6 oz. total from six plants. Terrible yield, some buds had no seeds, and others had some, but it wasn't a total loss.


Well-Known Member
Grew out some bag seed and some Afghan mixes before I new anything. Lots of hermies and very little smoke.

A Northern Lights clone gifted from a friend was the first actual good, seedless, successful strain.

Natural Gas

Active Member
Like Bigtaco, my first was bag seed, Mex or Columbian as best I recall, in the late 60s...Miracle Grow all the way...Complete flop...Miracle Grow Potting Soil out of the bag is (was) too hot for seedlings...Did not know plant was dioecious...Did not know to just smoke bud...When I finally got a plant to grow and flower the leaves, stems and bud got chopped up and into baggies...About that time "High Times" was first published...Next twenty years was still Miracle Grow with tweaking...I didn't know till I got here, RIU, that Miracle Grow doesn't work.

Voltaire wrote, "The best is the enemy of the good". I agree with Jogro that an indica is the place to start depending on your set up. Relatively inexpensive from the likes of World of S33ds; take a look at "Pakistan Valley" as an example. There is a feminized version...Super easy to grow indoor, manageable, decent yield and very strong dope...I have a couple of rounds growing it. I am growing it again right now.

You have Cervantes...Now just put a s33d, any s33d, (NL is as good as any place to start) in some dirt and see what happens...For kicks & grins grow it next to a tomato indoors under the lights and see which is easiest...FWIW

diet coke

Active Member
They did not have strains when I started lol I do remember some super mex that I grew to around 12' tall before rippers took the lot. Also had idica a few times.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some dank in MG potting soil, you just don't feed it anything except water.
Unless it starts to fade you shouldn't feed any nutes in MG soil.

MG seedling soil doesn't burn seedlings-young plants
^made for germination+transplant to potting soil after established roots


Active Member
1st "Legit" strains we grew were White Rhino, AK47 and White Russian-- still some of our favorite grows..

our actual 1st 'real" grow together was from Seeds and clones my Dad gave us-- old school stuff he'd been growing up at the commune in the Ozarks since the early 80's...

The guy he was growing with forgot to check for males/hermies-- so ended-up with a room full of seeded plants (3 varieties) so the mixed genetics (Thai, Mexican & a "Pineapple" variety)

The plants were kick-ass... one strain/cross looked like branches of hand grenades but we lost the Mom... another- a hard-core Sativa- we kept going and breed with...

But luckily- someone we shared the "hand grenade" seeds with still had a few and 'gifted' them back to us a few weeks ago!


Well-Known Member
Schwag bag seed outdoors was my first grow. Thinking back about them now, they seemed mostly indica which now seems weird but I didnt know anything about anything 17 years ago and it was all I had access to at the time. Decent harvest for a 16 year old kid knowing not a damn thing about growing other than to pull the males.


Well-Known Member
Devils Harvest - Fallen Angel.. This thing has been great for my first time. Forgiving and taking as much abuse as I can dish its way.


Well-Known Member
Bagseed, came from some blueberry which my friend had, gave me the seeds and they both died. The first strain I grew that I knew what it was, was Cannalope Kush. It was a freebie from Attitude, so I popped that before the ones I paid for.


New Member
Mexican brick weed in a 10 gallon pot half way full of rock getting pissed on daily by three dogs for its whole veg cycle till we found out it was female and that bad boy was huge nuggets the size of your forarm called it dog piss.... But for a seed from brick weed that plant was one of the more sexy ladies ive delt with!!


Active Member
I grew 2 outdoors bagseeds when I was 18...24 now. The bagseeds were TERRIBLE. But so was I as a grower...Tried topping them real late into veg and BANG they stopped growing tall. They was about 2-3ft tall but once it was time to flower they hadnt grown any taller and the buds were thin and spindly...Terrible!

Just got my first order from Herbies in my hands yesterday...NL's and some freebies so my first 'real' indoor grow will be Northern Lights...