What we think about when we be high.


Well-Known Member
The less time I spend ever thinking about what the rest of the world thinks, the happier I am.... I could really give a flying fuck what someone else thinks... other than the missus and a few close friends and family, the rest of the world is inconsequential to me... Give respect, get respect, fuck with me and get fucked with... Eat. Sleep., Ride Hard...

You my sir, have a good aspect on life :bigjoint:

Oh yeh by the way, red eye thread tonigh (maybe day for US ?) i have got some Lemon haze and it smells AMAZING!!! :eyesmoke:

Peace x


Active Member
just smoked almost a fat joint. if u know what i imeant. im kinda watchin Into the Wild and about to eat. so u guys kno how im feelin. im stoned out of my skull and im thinking about....my grow op, how strangely compelling this movie is, and of course this food im about to eat, and probalby a million other things until i come back from this other deminsion im in.


Well-Known Member
Had the biggest trip of my life last night! i recomend trying this when your really baked, put on webcam and look at yourself, just examine yourself, i was acmazed at what i actually look like, its crazy!


Well-Known Member
Had the biggest trip of my life last night! i recomend trying this when your really baked, put on webcam and look at yourself, just examine yourself, i was acmazed at what i actually look like, its crazy!
lol why not just get high and look in the mirror?
its clearer to.
That is very fun to do on acid and shrooms.


Active Member
Had the biggest trip of my life last night! i recomend trying this when your really baked, put on webcam and look at yourself, just examine yourself, i was acmazed at what i actually look like, its crazy!

ok im really baked right now. and i wll try that !

i love just smelling my fingers after i get high. cuz they stll have that hashy burnt herb incense type smell goin on and its heavenly. i smoke alot of joints that is why. like the one cheech has got in my picture. "this weed i got is called labrador"
I want my 40oz. of Mickey's, and if I have it, I wonder why don't they have 100oz. of Mickey's, life isn't fair.. kiss-ass anyways, I'm gonna smoke more, and do a slow ass beer run x) hahaha bongsmilie